(HEX) 3
 (ARC) e
       welcome to Happy's world ;-)
 (HEX) 3
 (TEL) e
       "... even the samurai have teddy bears, and even the teddy bears get drunk."
 (HEX) 3
 (ARC) f
       Alte Amplius Absque Cogitatim
 (HEX) 3
 (UUE) b
 (DIR) Index of other SDF members Gopherspace
 (UUE) d
 (DIR) sdf.lonestar.org [or how to get your own bit of gopherspace]
 (QRY) 8
 (DIR) List of active gopher sites [on RP's site]
 (ARC) 4
 (DIR) Quux.org/GopherProject.org [Gopher Archive]
 (ARC) 6
 (DIR) Floodgap [including Gopher Search]
 (HEX) 4
 (DIR) ccf
 (HEX) 8
 (DIR) linux
 (QRY) 6
 (DIR) mike_and_elly_wedding_photos
 (ARC) 1
 (HTM) mylinks
 (ARC) 1
 (HTM) welcome
 (ARC) 0
 (TXT) welcome