(DIR) Cocktails Home
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       Cocktail Database Search Engine
       - About -----------------------
       All recipes on this site were scraped, shamelessly, from liquor.com.
       Scraping was done using python with requests and beautifulsoup. The
       whole liquor.com database took about a two hours to download.
       Drinks and their associated metadata are stored locally in an SQLite
       database. The size of the database is around 4.1 MB in total, not
       including photos. Photos are stored separately on the file system.
       Queries for drinks are constructed using the wonderful Peewee ORM.
       All recipe files are formatted to fit inside of a 70 character screen.
       Unicode characters have been re-encoded into ASCII using Unidecode.
       When a tag is used to filter drinks in the database, it gets appended
       to the gopher selector using an HTTP-style query parameter. This is
       fully allowed within the RFC 1436 spec, but some gopher clients will
       break or misbehave when they see the "?" character in a gopher URL.
       If your gopher client is misbehaving, try using a different one!
       - Author ----------------------
       My personal gopherhole is
 (DIR) Mozz.us
       My preferred drink is a classic
 (TXT) Gin & Tonic
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                ||         || 2019 ||
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       treat yo' self