(DIR) Home
       This is an example of a browsable menu that was automatically
       generated from a directory. The optional timestamp displays the
       last time that the file was modified.
       Current Directory: files/
 (DIR) ..
 (DOC) MOOGopher.pdf                                      2018-03-02 02:17:47
 (TXT) bofh1.txt                                          2023-02-22 21:01:05
 (GIF) dancing_baby.gif                                   2018-03-02 02:17:47
 (TXT) encoded.uue                                        2023-02-22 21:01:05
 (BIN) hello.bin                                          2018-03-02 02:17:47
 (TXT) history.hqx                                        2018-03-02 02:17:47
 (???) lego.mp4                                           2018-03-02 02:17:47
 (IMG) linux.jpg                                          2018-03-02 02:17:47
 (DIR) poems/                                             2023-02-22 21:01:05
 (ARC) summary.txt.gz                                     2018-03-02 02:17:47
 (SND) wololo.wav                                         2018-03-02 02:17:47
                                                 Served by Flask-Gopher/3.0.0