* * * Zork I Hints * * * 1. The Timber Room 2. Hades 3. The Platinum Bar 4. The Pot of Gold 5. Opening the Egg 6. The Bauble 7. The Sluice Gates 1. Consider the uses of a basket, as well as alternate light sources. Remember that the solution to a problem may not necessarily reside in the same room...or at the same height. 2. First, get the spirits' attention. Having done that, there's only two other things left to do, so play around a little until you have everything in the right order. Read any good books lately? 3. This one is easy, if subtle. Consider the outstanding quality of the room, and make an order of it. 4. Well, you know where to look, right? You just have to do something first. Have you seen anything around that might remind you of a rainbow? Get the point? 5. The program didn't lie: *YOU* have neither the skills nor the expertise, so who else is left? Be generous, it will pay off in the end. 6. First, you need to have the egg open. Then, you have to go to the logical place and do the logical thing. When the egg is open, this should be music to your ears. 7. Everything you need is at hand. Play around in the Maintenance Room, and remember to check other rooms as well for a change. Tools can come in handy, too.