Gopher client porting and plans Gopher client porting --------------------- I've begun gopher client project as part of project "network tools for ZX Uno", but some folks with other speccy clones and network hardware want it too. My first movement to this side was simplified spectranet client(you may load it from my TNFS server on To start spectranet version just type: %mount 0, "" %load "" Sources of port to spectranet available on my github: Feel free to contribute to it. Time going on and yesterday was made request for porting it to ZX Spectrum Next. It uses compatible ESP-chip, have esxDos and even have Timex HiRes mode. Just different UART driver. I think I'll made it, but I prefer keep mention that this client was originally developed for ZX Uno. For me its important. I don't know how I'll make SpecNext version. Maybe conditional compilation with replacing uart driver, maybe I'll make sepparate project. My other plans is updating my gopherspace. ----------------------------------------- Now Virtual TR-DOS mirror have just pagination and you must seek game via exploring folders. I think about search engine for it. Maybe on this weekend(if I'll get enought time) I'll try make search engine for it and games will be easier to find and download. If I'll continue porting gopher client to other Speccy clones and hardware, I think there will be sepparate sections for each version of gopher client