uGophy and gopherspace update and pygopherd bug uGophy and gopherspace update ----------------------------- Now uGophy uses shadow screen and there more free space for page data! On freed space on #4000 memory area I've put PT3 player(with TurboSound support) so you can listen music "online". But you need listen it from somewhere. Yes. And I've did gate for music section of to gopher. You may use search for songs or authors. Pagination will be added soon. ZX Spectrum Next version of uGophy? ----------------------------------- As I said before, I think about it. I haven't real ZX Spectrum Next and all work goes in blind mode. I've begun from porting simple IRC client to Spectrum Next. In Zesarux emulator it works. I don't know it will on not work on real hardware. I was suprised that they doesn't use any WiFi connection configuration utility. My ports will depend on .iwconfig that i've made for zx-uno. So I waiting when my irc client will be tested on real hardware and if it will be successful - I'll begun gopher client porting. PyGopherD bug(I think) ---------------------- When I was doing music gate I've found some strange behevior of pygopherd. Every mole works fine before I've tried send some request parameters to it. Just one request parameter - and everything goes be broken. There was very strange data losing in pygopherd/handlers/ file. There was lines: ---- CODE BEGINS ---- if self.selectorargs: args.extend(self.selectorags.split(' ')) ---- END OF CODE ---- Looks fine? Yep. But logs said that in second line selectorargs are absent. WAT?! I've tried store this property into var and all now works fine. ---- CODE BEGINS ---- sargs = self.selectorargs if sargs: args.extend(sargs.split(' ')) ---- END OF CODE ---- This simple fix solved this issue.