/* the humans responsible (but not legally if you're the pigs) */ /* humanstxt.org */ /* TEAM */ Kevin: https://www.oh.mg /* ASSASSINATION COORDONATES */ Site: https://oh.mg aka: https://kevin.paris aka: https://om.gd aka: https://ohno.es Mastodon: <@kc@social.coop> Pixelfed: <@kevin@pixelfed.fr> Bluesky: <@oh.mg> Nostr: <@oh.mg> Tumblr: <@om-gay> Twtxt: IG/Threads: <@kdwc> Location: > redaction Paris, France Oslo, Norge Barcelone, Catalunya > hebergement Londres, United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland > domaine Repoblikan'i Madagasikara /* THANKS */ Frank B: for all the fish melonking: for your glorious site @supersassefras: om me naar LiveJournal te brengen in Y2K Asiel (adb): for the hand drawn avatar (and for being rubbish at Yurt Game) /* SITE */ Last update: 2024/05/26 Generally Awake: Europe/Paris (+02:00) Standards: None whatsoever Language: English, Francais, Catala, Norsk Vibe: Made with disdain a Paris ? Barcelona ? Oslo ?