___  ___      _                        
       |  \/  |     | |                       
       | .  . | __ _| |_      ____ _ _ __ ___ 
       | |\/| |/ _` | \ \ /\ / / _` | '__/ _ \
       | |  | | (_| | |\ V  V / (_| | | |  __/
       \_|  |_/\__,_|_| \_/\_/ \__,_|_|  \___|
             a gopher zine by mmn.(on.)ca
        mmn.on.ca was started in the good old
        days of yore, oh.mg was started in
        a plague.  Today using the power of
        old people text, I present my great
        concept of a gopherzine.  A simple
        little bit of old internet to mix
        with the new fun internet vibe of
        what I post to oh.mg.
        You want to include something in
        a gopherzine or have any ideas ?
        Tell me : 
 (DIR) ..                                                                         
 (DIR) AI Bros                                        2024-May-26 13:20        -  
 (DIR) Crypto Bros                                    2024-May-26 10:12        -  
 (DIR) Reader Hate Mail                               2024-May-26 10:14        -