tamprolla_init.py - amprolla - devuan's apt repo merger
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       tamprolla_init.py (3140B)
            1 #!/usr/bin/env python3
            2 # See LICENSE file for copyright and license details.
            4 """
            5 This module will download the initial Release files used to populate
            6 the spooldir, along with all the files hashed inside the Release files
            7 """
            9 from os.path import join
           10 from multiprocessing import Pool
           11 from time import time
           13 from lib.config import (aliases, arches, categories, cpunm, mainrepofiles,
           14                         repos, spooldir, suites, skips)
           15 from lib.lock import check_lock, free_lock
           16 from lib.net import download
           17 from lib.parse import parse_release
           18 from lib.log import die, info
           21 def pop_dirs(repo):
           22     """
           23     Crawls through the directories to come up with complete needed
           24     directory structure.
           25     Returns a list of tuples holding the remote and local locations
           26     of the files
           28     Example:
           29     (http://deb.debian.org/debian/dists/jessie/main/binary-all/Packages.gz,
           30      ./spool/debian/dists/jessie/main/binary-all/Packages.gz)
           31     """
           32     repodata = repos[repo]
           34     urls = []
           36     for i in suites:
           37         for j in suites[i]:
           38             baseurl = join(repodata['host'], repodata['dists'])
           39             suite = j
           40             if repodata['aliases'] is True:
           41                 if j in aliases[repodata['name']]:
           42                     suite = aliases[repodata['name']][j]
           43                 elif repodata['skipmissing'] is True:
           44                     continue
           45                 if repo == 'debian' and j in skips:
           46                     continue
           47             pair = (join(baseurl, suite),
           48                     join(baseurl.replace(repodata['host'],
           49                                          spooldir), suite))
           50             urls.append(pair)
           52     return urls
           55 def main():
           56     """
           57     Loops through all repositories, and downloads their Release files, along
           58     with all the files listed within those Release files.
           59     """
           60     for dist in repos:
           61         print('Downloading %s directory structure' % dist)
           62         dlurls = pop_dirs(dist)
           63         for url in dlurls:
           64             tpl = []
           65             for file in mainrepofiles:
           66                 urls = (join(url[0], file), join(url[1], file))
           67                 tpl.append(urls)
           68             dlpool = Pool(cpunm)
           69             dlpool.map(download, tpl)
           70             dlpool.close()
           72             release_contents = open(join(url[1], 'Release')).read()
           73             release_contents = parse_release(release_contents)
           74             tpl = []
           75             for k in release_contents:
           76                 # if k.endswith('/binary-armhf/Packages.gz'):
           77                 # for a in arches:
           78                 #     for c in categories:
           79                 #        if a in k and ("/%s/" % c) in k:
           80                 #            urls = (join(url[0], k), join(url[1], k))
           81                 #            tpl.append(urls)
           82                 urls = (join(url[0], k), join(url[1], k))
           83                 tpl.append(urls)
           84             dlpool = Pool(cpunm)
           85             dlpool.map(download, tpl)
           86             dlpool.close()
           89 if __name__ == '__main__':
           90     try:
           91         t1 = time()
           92         check_lock()
           93         main()
           94         free_lock()
           95         t2 = time()
           96         info('Total init time: %s' % (t2 - t1), tofile=True)
           97     except Exception as e:
           98         die(e)