+++ Card 1: How you feel about yourself +++
       +++ The Moon +++
       You feel confused, vulnerable and full of doubts. However,
       all is not as it seems. Feel the fear and do it anyway,
       because all will turn out well. Expect the new and
       unexpected to show up and welcome it into your life.
       Your turbulent emotions are muddying the waters so step
       back and try to find clarity of mind, no matter how
       difficult this proves to be. Things may seem tough or
       confusing but stick with it, it's right for you. 
       +++ Card 2: What you want most right now +++
       +++ The Lovers +++
       The cards suggest that what you most want at this time is to
       know what choice to make - carry on as you are or take a
       risk? The risk offers excitement and change and staying as
       you are- well you know what that has to offer.
       Dare to love, dare to live?
       +++ Card 3: Your fears +++
       +++ Judgement +++
       You are afraid that the conclusions you've been wanting are
       delayed and fear any far-reaching changes ahead.
       Perhaps things aren't turning out quite as you expected for
       some reason - this is a period when your routine will be
       changed dramatically.
       Fear not, although events will seem to be moving at a real
       pace, any choice you make will change life for the
       +++ Card 4: What is going for you +++
       +++ The Devil +++
       There's a possibility of permanence here. If you're
       considering a commitment in a relationship or marriage this
       is a good sign.
       However, question your motives because here we have
       ttemptation and addiction, and a desire to be controlled or
       So use your intuition and if you recognise what you feel is
       being sincere, great. If not you still have a chance to
       change direction.
       if considering giving up a bad habit, such as smoking or
       drinking for example, now is a good time to start.
       +++ Card 5: What is going against you +++
       +++ The Hermit +++
       You are at risk of doing something hasty out of impatience
       and rage.
       This is not a time for irrational and impulsive behaviour -
       don't be cantankerous (if closer to old than young!) or
       arrogant and resentful (if closer to young than old!) Try
       and remain calm and let the rage go. Take time to make a
       cool and collected decision.
       The Hermit signals a warning not to make hasty
       +++ Card 6: The likely outcome +++
       +++ The Tower +++
       A period of dramatic change and upheaval - however this
       period of change will herald a new beginning.
       It is time to re-evaluate. Sometimes, as difficult as the
       disappointment has been to take, change can create new
       possibilities you never dreamed of.
       There could be problems relating to your property, or if
       considering a new property or move, progress will be
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