12 definitions found
       From Urban Dictionary [urbandict]:
          "its a funny trick to use to not have to type anything. but to
          agree its like a virtual bro fist: an act of agreement"
          "Rob: man these diamond players are noobs! cause im challeneger!!
          Dave: ^ Rob: ikr??"
          Written on: "2013-07-22T00:00:00.000Z"
          Thumbs up: 211 | Thumbs down: 55
       From Urban Dictionary [urbandict]:
          "Very useful signal that is typed when one pushes Shift and 6. It
          has many uses, some of which include: 1- An eye for the following
          emoticons: ^_^ and  ^*^
          2- A caret (symbol denoting that something is to be inserted
          3- Upwards arrow
          4- Showing exponents (7^.5597)
          5. Goes over random letters (usually vowels) in the French, German,
          and Hungarian languages (aka the circumflex)"
          Written on: "2003-10-20T00:00:00.000Z"
          Thumbs up: 293 | Thumbs down: 161
       From Urban Dictionary [urbandict]:
          "Sometimes used in forums or messageboards to refer to the post
          "^^^^^ Lol dat's funnah!!!!11!!!111oneone!1"
          Written on: "2003-07-23T00:00:00.000Z"
          Thumbs up: 509 | Thumbs down: 172
       From Urban Dictionary [urbandict]:
          "An emoticon used when feeling gloomy, or just 'whatever'. Can also
          be used as a sigh or as if someone is pouting."
          "PERSON 1: omg, what happened?  PERSON 2: nothing .-.\n\n-silence-
          PERSON: .-. no one's talking.\n\nPERSON 1: So, I told her we'll be
          just friends.  PERSON 2: Oh .-."
          Written on: "2009-11-27T00:00:00.000Z"
          Thumbs up: 268 | Thumbs down: 64
       From Urban Dictionary [urbandict]:
          "It is a whatever upside down face. Or an sad upside down face."
          "1)Person 1 said to person 2 over aim, how are you doing? person 2
          said back .-. pretty bad.  2) PERSON 1 say a dumb comment to person
          2 and person 2 say .-. "
          Written on: "2007-05-13T00:00:00.000Z"
          Thumbs up: 180 | Thumbs down: 107
       From Urban Dictionary [urbandict]:
          "used to denote a clause within an actual sentence (or
          sometimes inbetween what some would consider as othrewise *two*
          seperate sentences, though are one due to its '..'-connection)
          for a briefer amount of time than a full ellipsis([…],
          [...]) denotes(example1). Also used sometimes before a
          [question-mark]{[?]} when what the someone is saying seems to
          be [trailing-off] [so-to-speak], though can be substitued by
          "example1: [I [like you] [alot][..]almost as much as I enjoy [food],
          [sex], [money], [and] [life] itself[.]
          example2: Joey, yoo-hoo!! [...] Ohh, Joeeeeey, where did you go..??"
          Written on: "2005-07-25T00:00:00.000Z"
          Thumbs up: 71 | Thumbs down: 56
       From Urban Dictionary [urbandict]:
          "Meaning you [agree] with [what the] person above you [typed in]
          a text."
          ""I'd do [anything] for [money]."  "^""
          Written on: "2017-02-16T14:57:41.625Z"
          Thumbs up: 220 | Thumbs down: 4
       From Urban Dictionary [urbandict]:
          "its a funny trick to use to not have to type anything. but to
          agree its like a [virtual] [bro fist]: an act of [agreement]"
          "[Rob]: man these [diamond] players are [noobs]! cause im
          challeneger!!  Dave: ^ Rob: ikr??"
          Written on: "2013-07-23T02:54:13.621Z"
          Thumbs up: 254 | Thumbs down: 60
       From Urban Dictionary [urbandict]:
          "Sometimes used in [forums] or messageboards to [refer] to the
          [post] above."
          "^^^^^ Lol [dat's] [funnah]!!!![11]!!!111oneone!1"
          Written on: "2003-07-23T11:23:26.000Z"
          Thumbs up: 524 | Thumbs down: 174
       From Urban Dictionary [urbandict]:
          "Meaning you [agree] with [what the] person above you [typed in]
          a text."
          ""I'd do [anything] for [money]."  "^""
          Written on: "2017-02-16T14:57:41.625Z"
          Thumbs up: 220 | Thumbs down: 4
       From Urban Dictionary [urbandict]:
          "its a funny trick to use to not have to type anything. but to
          agree its like a [virtual] [bro fist]: an act of [agreement]"
          "[Rob]: man these [diamond] players are [noobs]! cause im
          challeneger!!  Dave: ^ Rob: ikr??"
          Written on: "2013-07-23T02:54:13.621Z"
          Thumbs up: 254 | Thumbs down: 60
       From Urban Dictionary [urbandict]:
          "Sometimes used in [forums] or messageboards to [refer] to the
          [post] above."
          "^^^^^ Lol [dat's] [funnah]!!!![11]!!!111oneone!1"
          Written on: "2003-07-23T11:23:26.000Z"
          Thumbs up: 524 | Thumbs down: 174
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