--- author: email: mail@petermolnar.net image: https://petermolnar.net/favicon.jpg name: Peter Molnar url: https://petermolnar.net copies: - http://web.archive.org/web/20130307033423/http://petermolnar.eu:80/linux-tech-coding/add-ram-to-ubuntu-12-04-for-free-zram lang: en published: '2013-01-11T10:17:05+00:00' summary: More RAM for free? By installing a software?! Enter zRAM. tags: - linux server title: 'Add RAM to Ubuntu 12.04+ for free: zRAM' --- In the mainline generic kernel of Ubuntu, there's a module called zram. This is a pretty good trick to add additional "free" RAM to your machine without any change: it creates in-memory compressed block for swap, meaning it eats a bit of your CPU but gives you literally more RAM. If you're on a VPS for example, having 512 MB RAM, this would actually give you access to 750 MB RAM and would eat just a little CPU from you - I don't even notice it on the Munin graphs. To install: ``` {.bash} apt-get install zram-config ``` Make sure it's started and running: ``` {.bash} cat /proc/swaps ``` If you see something like this ``` {.bash} # cat /proc/swaps Filename Type Size Used Priority /dev/zram0 partition 62712 6804 5 /dev/zram1 partition 62712 6768 5 /dev/zram2 partition 62712 6744 5 /dev/zram3 partition 62712 6768 5 ``` then it's already running. Reboot your machine, and voilá. More to read: - Increased performance in linux with zRAM[^1] - Ubuntu Linux Considers Greater Usage Of zRAM[^2] [^1]: [^2]: