--- author: email: mail@petermolnar.net image: https://petermolnar.net/favicon.jpg name: Peter Molnar url: https://petermolnar.net copies: - http://web.archive.org/web/20190624125513/https://petermolnar.net/hacking-tint2-panel-weather-cpu-temperature-and-volume-executors/ lang: en published: '2016-11-04T19:00:35+00:00' summary: 'Adding weather, volume and CPU status a hacker friendly panel: tint2.' tags: - linux desktop title: 'Hacking tint2 panel: weather, CPU temperature and volume executors' --- I tried to switch over to XFCE4[^1] numerous times, nearly always put down by something I missed; finally I decided I'm going to force it. I want my speedy, snappy computer back from 2009 and I'm done with the fancy aesthetics; just make it work and make it stable. Soon I replaced the built-in panel with tint2[^2], mostly for it's unique little thing: executors. This makes tint2 similarly hackable as conky[^3] but due to the mouse handling actions, it can do even more. ## Display and change volume UPDATE (2017-04-03 09-25): **The script below started to use an excessive amount of CPU due to the high amount of scans it performed so I moved on to use pnmixer[^4]. It was also useful, since on Debian 9 with XFCE4, I don't have anything that handles the X86 audio keys with notifications correctly - pnmixer does the job and it's good enough, so I recommend it over volumeicon to display volume with tint2.** When you launch tint2 some of the indicators, like network and bluetooth tend to show up, but not the volume indicator. The usually mentioned fix is to install volumeicon[^5] - this is neat, but there is another way. Since the script below uses the emoji range ( also known as astral plane characters ) from unicode, installing "ttf-ancient-fonts" might be required. I have no idea why it's called like that. ``` {.bash} apt-get install ttf-ancient-fonts ``` ### Mouse interactions left click : toggles Master (mute/unmute) output in pulseaudio right click : toggles Mic (mute/unmute) intput in pulseaudio middle click : opens pulseaudio controls scroll up : volume up by 2% scroll down : volume down by 2% ### tin2rc snippet ``` {.apache} #------------------------------------- # Executor 3 execp = new execp_command = ~/scripts/tint2_vol.sh execp_interval = 1 execp_has_icon = 0 execp_cache_icon = 0 execp_continuous = 0 execp_markup = 1 execp_lclick_command = pactl list sinks | grep -qi 'Mute: yes' && pactl set-sink-mute 0 0 || pactl set-sink-mute 0 1 execp_rclick_command = pactl list sources | grep -A12 'Source #1' | grep -qi 'Mute: yes' && pactl set-source-mute 1 0 || pactl set-source-mute 1 1 execp_mclick_command = pavucontrol execp_uwheel_command = amixer set Capture 2%+; amixer set Master 2%+ execp_dwheel_command = amixer set Capture 2%-; amixer set Master 2%- execp_font = Liberation Mono 8 execp_font_color = #000000 100 execp_padding = 0 0 execp_background_id = 0 execp_centered = 1 execp_icon_w = 0 execp_icon_h = 0 ``` ### tint2\_vol.sh ``` {.bash} #!/usr/bin/env bash if [ "$1" == "up" ]; then /usr/bin/amixer set Master 5%+ >/dev/null 2>&1 elif [ "$1" == "down" ]; then /usr/bin/amixer set Master 5%- >/dev/null 2>&1 elif [ "$1" == "mute" ]; then a=$(amixer set Master 1+ toggle); elif [ "$1" == "mic" ]; then pactl list sources | grep -A12 'Source #1' | grep -qi 'Mute: yes' && pactl set-source-mute 1 0 || pactl set-source-mute 1 1 fi vpattern=".*\[([0-9]+)%\].*" spattern=".*\[off\].*" amixer="amixer -c1" master=$($amixer sget 'Master') mic=$($amixer sget 'Capture') mavol=$(echo $master | grep '%' | sed -r "s/$vpattern/\1/") mivol=$(echo $mic | grep '%' | sed -r "s/$vpattern/\1/") mivol=0 jackdev=$($amixer contents | grep -i "'headphone jack'" | cut -d"," -f1,2) THEME="/usr/share/icons/$(/usr/bin/gsettings get org.gnome.desktop.interface icon-theme | tr -d "'")" if grep -qi $spattern <<< $master; then icon="🔇" ipath="$(find "$THEME" -name *audio*mute* | grep 24 | head -n1)" elif grep -qi 'values=on' <<< $($amixer cget "$jackdev"); then icon="🎧" ipath="$(find "$THEME" -name *headphone* | grep 24 | head -n1)" elif [ $mavol -gt 0 ] && [ $mavol -lt 31 ]; then icon="🔈" ipath="$(find "$THEME" -name *audio*low* | grep 24 | head -n1)" elif [ $mavol -gt 30 ] && [ $mavol -lt 60 ]; then icon="🔉" ipath="$(find "$THEME" -name *audio*medium* | grep 24 | head -n1)" else icon="🔊" ipath="$(find "$THEME" -name *audio*high* | grep 24 | head -n1)" fi if [ -z $1 ]; then printf '%3s\n%3s%%' "$icon" "$mavol" else notify-send -i $ipath "$mavol %" fi ``` ## CPU temperature, fan speed and governor setting ### Mouse interactions left click : sets CPU governor to `ondemand` if governor is available right click : sets CPU governor to `powersave` if governor is available middle click : sets CPU governor to `performance` if governor is available ### tin2rc snippet ``` {.apache} #------------------------------------- # Executor 2 execp = new execp_command = ~/scripts/tint2_cputemp.sh execp_interval = 30 execp_has_icon = 0 execp_cache_icon = 0 execp_continuous = 0 execp_markup = 0 execp_lclick_command = ~/scripts/tint2_cpufreq.sh ondemand execp_rclick_command = ~/scripts/tint2_cpufreq.sh powersave execp_mclick_command = ~/scripts/tint2_cpufreq.sh performance execp_uwheel_command = execp_dwheel_command = execp_font = Liberation Mono 8 execp_font_color = #000000 100 execp_padding = 0 0 execp_background_id = 0 execp_centered = 1 execp_icon_w = 0 execp_icon_h = 0 ``` ### tint2\_cputemp.sh ``` {.bash} #!/bin/bash temp=$(sensors | grep -i temp1 | head -n1 | sed -r 's/.*:\s+[\+-]?(.*C)\s+.*/\1/') rpm=$(sensors | grep -i fan | head -n1 | sed -r 's/.*?:\s+(.*?)\s+RPM/\1/') printf '%8s\n%8s ' "$temp" "$rpm/m" ``` ### tint2\_cpufreq.sh ``` {.bash} #!/usr/bin/env bash setto="$1" if [ "$1" == '' ]; then exit 0; fi if [ ! -x "$(which cpufreq-selector)" ]; then exit 0; fi governors="$(cpufreq-info | grep 'available.*governors' | head -n1)"; if ! grep -q "$setto" <<< "$governors"; then echo "this governor is not available" exit 0; fi declare out; for proc in $(cat /proc/cpuinfo | grep processor | sed -r 's/^processor\s+:\s+(.*)$/\1/'); do out+="CPU#$proc governor is to '$setto';" cpufreq-selector -c $proc -g $setto done if [ -x "$(which notify-send)" ]; then THEME=$(gsettings get org.gnome.desktop.interface icon-theme | tr -d "'") ICON="/usr/share/icons/${THEME}/rest/of/path/to/icon.svg" notify-send -a "cpufreq-selector" "$(tr ';' "\n" <<< $out)" fi exit 0; ``` ## Weather ### Mouse interactions left click : opens ascii art weather forecast from wttr.in Cambridge in browser ### tin2rc snippet ``` {.apache} #------------------------------------- # Executor 1 execp = new execp_command = ~/scripts/tint2_weather.sh execp_interval = 300 execp_has_icon = 0 execp_cache_icon = 0 execp_continuous = 0 execp_markup = 0 execp_lclick_command = firefox http://wttr.in/cambridge execp_rclick_command = firefox http://wttr.in/amsterdam execp_mclick_command = firefox http://wttr.in/budapest execp_uwheel_command = execp_dwheel_command = execp_font = Liberation Mono 8 execp_font_color = #000000 100 execp_padding = 0 0 execp_background_id = 0 execp_centered = 1 execp_icon_w = 0 execp_icon_h = 0 ``` ### tint2\_weather.sh ``` {.bash} #!/bin/bash geo="$(wget -O- -q http://geoip.ubuntu.com/lookup)" if grep -qi '' <<< $geo; then lat="52.218011" lon="0.140549" else lat="$(sed -r 's/.*(.*?)<\/Latitude>.*/\1/g' <<< $geo)" lon="$(sed -r 's/.*(.*?)<\/Longitude>.*/\1/g' <<< $geo)" fi weather="$(wget -q -O- http://api.wunderground.com/auto/wui/geo/WXCurrentObXML/index.xml?query=$lat,$lon)" kw="weather" condition="$(sed -r "s/.*<$kw>(.*?)<\/$kw>.*/\1/g" <<< $weather)" kw="temp_c" temperature="$(sed -r "s/.*<$kw>(.*?)<\/$kw>.*/\1/g" <<< $weather)" kw="relative_humidity" humidity="$(sed -r "s/.*<$kw>(.*?)<\/$kw>.*/\1/g" <<< $weather)" kw="wind_mph" wind="$(sed -r "s/.*<$kw>(.*?)<\/$kw>.*/\1/g" <<< $weather)" kw="windchill_c" feelslike="$(sed -r "s/.*<$kw>(.*?)<\/$kw>.*/\1/g" <<< $weather)" if grep -qi 'rain' <<< $condition; then icon="⛆" elif grep -qi 'storm' <<< $condition; then icon="⛈" elif grep -qi 'cloud' <<< $condition; then icon="⛅" elif grep -qi 'clear' <<< $condition; then icon="☼" elif grep -qi 'snow' <<< $condition; then icon="⛄" else icon=$condition fi firstline="${icon} ${temperature}°C (${feelslike}°C) " secondline="${wind:-0}km/h ${humidity}" echo "${firstline:0:12}" echo "${secondline:0:12}" ``` [^1]: [^2]: [^3]: [^4]: [^5]: