--- author: email: mail@petermolnar.net image: https://petermolnar.net/favicon.jpg name: Peter Molnar url: https://petermolnar.net copies: - http://web.archive.org/web/20160905161411/https://petermolnar.net/lxc-on-debian-wheezy/ lang: en published: '2014-03-26T14:21:07+00:00' summary: LXC - container based virtualisation from scratch on Debian Wheezy - a slightly messy guide to start with tags: - server title: Setting up LXC containers with Debian 7 Wheezy from scratch --- *Forewords: I was trying finish this for nearly half a year. Sorry if some of the things are out of date for now.* For years I've been looking for the most effective virtualisation fitting my requirements. I'd tried VMware, Xen, even used - as user - Virtuozzo until I recently came across LXC[^1]. Even though LXC is not new, a lot of new shiny projects are aiming to utilise it a bit better, for example Docker[^2] What I want is a lightweight semi-virtualisation: a private, virtual network, with virtual containers for a specific task, with backup, clone and export options. This is exactly what LXC is good for. I'm using Debian Wheezy even though 3.10 kernel is highly recommended for LXC. **DISCLAIMER: This is not a copy-paste tutorial, the process is way more complicated than that.** ## Install required tools ``` {.bash} apt-get install lxc bridge-utils debootstrap ``` ## Mount cgroups add to `/etc/fstab`: cgroup /cgroup cgroup defaults 0 0 ``` {.bash} mkdir /cgroups mount cgroups ``` ## Create virtual network This is not the best way to create the network interface & make it persistent, but all other ways have failed for me so far for this specific case. The internal network will be, the host will have and the first guest will be The external address will be indicated with Please adjust these according to your needs. Add these to `/etc/rc.local`: ``` {.bash} # script to setup a natted network for lxc guests CMD_BRCTL=/sbin/brctl CMD_IFCONFIG=/sbin/ifconfig CMD_IPTABLES=/sbin/iptables CMD_ROUTE=/sbin/route NETWORK_BRIDGE_DEVICE_NAT=lxc-bridge-nat HOST_NETDEVICE=eth0 PRIVATE_GW_NAT= PRIVATE_NETMASK= PUBLIC_IP= LXC_GUEST_NETWORK= LXC_GUEST1_IP= LXC_GUEST1_EXT_SSH_PORT=2222 ${CMD_BRCTL} addbr ${NETWORK_BRIDGE_DEVICE_NAT} ${CMD_BRCTL} setfd ${NETWORK_BRIDGE_DEVICE_NAT} 0 ${CMD_IFCONFIG} ${NETWORK_BRIDGE_DEVICE_NAT} ${PRIVATE_GW_NAT} netmask ${PRIVATE_NETMASK} promisc up ${CMD_IPTABLES} -t nat -A POSTROUTING -o ${HOST_NETDEVICE} -j MASQUERADE ${CMD_IPTABLES} -t nat -A POSTROUTING -d ${LXC_GUEST_NETWORK} -o eth0 -j SNAT --to-source ${PUBLIC_IP} ${CMD_IPTABLES} -t nat -A PREROUTING -d ${PUBLIC_IP} -p tcp -m tcp --dport ${LXC_GUEST1_EXT_SSH_PORT} -j DNAT --to-destination ${LXC_GUEST1_IP}:22 echo 1 > /proc/sys/net/ipv4/ip_forward ``` \_A useful source of this setup: ## optinal: logical volume for guest If you're running LVM on the host ( it can make things easy & secure ), you can create a new lv per guest: ``` {.bash} LXC_GUEST1_NAME=lxc-1 lvcreate -L 16G -n ${LXC_GUEST1_NAME} vg0 mkfs.ext4 /dev/vg0/${LXC_GUEST1_NAME} mkdir /lxc/${LXC_GUEST1_NAME} echo -e "/dev/vg0/${LXC_GUEST1_NAME} /lxc/${LXC_GUEST1_NAME} ext4 defaults 0 0n" >> /etc/fstab mount -a ``` ## debootstrap the container ( install the bare operating system ) ``` {.bash} LXC_GUEST1_NAME=lxc-1 mkdir -p /lxc/${LXC_GUEST1_NAME} debootstrap --verbose --include ifupdown,locales,netbase,net-tools,iproute,openssh-server,vim wheezy /lxc/${LXC_GUEST1_NAME} http://http.debian.net/debian/ ``` ## Edit devices, inittab, configuration for the container ### Edit `/lxc/${LXC_GUEST1_NAME}/etc/inittab` as follows: ``` {.bash} # /etc/inittab: init(8) configuration. # $Id: inittab,v 1.91 2002/01/25 13:35:21 miquels Exp $ # The default runlevel. id:2:initdefault: # Boot-time system configuration/initialization script. # This is run first except when booting in emergency (-b) mode. si::sysinit:/etc/init.d/rcS # What to do in single-user mode. ~:S:wait:/sbin/sulogin # /etc/init.d executes the S and K scripts upon change # of runlevel. # # Runlevel 0 is halt. l0:0:wait:/etc/init.d/rc 0 # Runlevel 1 is single-user. l1:1:wait:/etc/init.d/rc 1 # Runlevels 2-5 are multi-user. l2:2:wait:/etc/init.d/rc 2 l3:3:wait:/etc/init.d/rc 3 l4:4:wait:/etc/init.d/rc 4 l5:5:wait:/etc/init.d/rc 5 # Runlevel 6 is reboot. l6:6:wait:/etc/init.d/rc 6 # Normally not reached, but fallthrough in case of emergency. z6:6:respawn:/sbin/sulogin # What to do when CTRL-ALT-DEL is pressed. ca:12345:ctrlaltdel:/sbin/shutdown -t1 -a -r now # /sbin/getty invocations for the runlevels. # # The "id" field MUST be the same as the last # characters of the device (after "tty"). # # Format: # ::: # 1:2345:respawn:/sbin/getty 38400 console ``` ### Create the devices needed in the container ``` {.bash} ROOT=/lxc/${LXC_GUEST1_NAME} DEV=${ROOT}/dev mv ${DEV} ${DEV}.old mkdir -p ${DEV} mknod -m 666 ${DEV}/null c 1 3 mknod -m 666 ${DEV}/zero c 1 5 mknod -m 666 ${DEV}/random c 1 8 mknod -m 666 ${DEV}/urandom c 1 9 mkdir -m 755 ${DEV}/pts mkdir -m 1777 ${DEV}/shm mknod -m 666 ${DEV}/tty c 5 0 mknod -m 600 ${DEV}/console c 5 1 mknod -m 666 ${DEV}/tty0 c 4 0 mknod -m 666 ${DEV}/full c 1 7 mknod -m 600 ${DEV}/initctl p mknod -m 666 ${DEV}/ptmx c 5 2 ``` ### Create lxc configuration file in `/var/lib/lxc/${LXC_GUEST1_NAME}/config` ``` {.apache} # name lxc.utsname = ${LXC_GUEST1_NAME} # network lxc.network.type = veth lxc.network.flags = up lxc.network.link = lxc-br lxc.network.name = eth0 lxc.network.hwaddr = 00:FF:12:34:56:78 lxc.network.ipv4 = ${LXC_GUEST1_IP}/24 # lxc.network.ipv6 = # pts lxc.tty = 2 lxc.pts = 1024 # fs lxc.rootfs = /lxc/${LXC_GUEST1_NAME} # devices lxc.cgroup.devices.deny = a # /dev/null and zero lxc.cgroup.devices.allow = c 1:3 rwm # dev/null lxc.cgroup.devices.allow = c 1:5 rwm # dev/zero # consoles lxc.cgroup.devices.allow = c 5:1 rwm # dev/console lxc.cgroup.devices.allow = c 5:0 rwm # dev/tty lxc.cgroup.devices.allow = c 4:0 rwm # dev/tty0 # /dev/{,u}random lxc.cgroup.devices.allow = c 1:9 rwm # dev/urandom lxc.cgroup.devices.allow = c 1:8 rwm # dev/random lxc.cgroup.devices.allow = c 136:* rwm # dev/pts/* lxc.cgroup.devices.allow = c 5:2 rwm # dev/pts/ptmx # rtc lxc.cgroup.devices.allow = c 254:0 rwm # mount points lxc.mount.entry = devpts /lxc/${LXC_GUEST1_NAME}/dev/pts devpts newinstance,ptmxmode=0666,nosuid,noexec 0 0 lxc.mount.entry = proc /lxc/${LXC_GUEST1_NAME}/proc proc nosuid,noexec,nodev 0 0 lxc.mount.entry = sysfs /lxc/${LXC_GUEST1_NAME}/sys sysfs nosuid,nodev,noexec 0 0 lxc.mount.entry = tmpfs /lxc/${LXC_GUEST1_NAME}/dev/shm tmpfs nosuid,nodev,noexec,size=64m 0 0 ``` ## Boot the container ``` {.apache} lxc start -n ${LXC_GUEST1_NAME} -d ``` For initial setup, you might need the option without "-d", that will land you in the console of the container. [^1]: [^2]: