--- author: email: mail@petermolnar.net image: https://petermolnar.net/favicon.jpg name: Peter Molnar url: https://petermolnar.net copies: - http://web.archive.org/web/20160709135122/https://petermolnar.eu/motioneyeos-mobile-phone-presence-detection-for-auto-onoff-based-on-network-ip-or-mac-address/ lang: en published: '2016-06-15T16:42:17+00:00' summary: I wanted my motionEyeOS system to turn on and off automatically if our mobile phones are present on the home network. tags: - security title: motionEyeOS mobile phone presence detection for auto on/off based on network IP or MAC address --- I recommend having a router which you can SSH into for this purpose, but in theory, the script could work without that. This script can run as a cron job; for that, run `crontab -e` on the motionEyeOS[^1] Raspberry. ``` {.bash} #!/bin/bash declare -a debugmsgs SSHCMD="/usr/bin/ssh -i /data/etc/ssh_key" ROUTER=$(/sbin/route -n | awk '/^ { print $2}') ROUTERUSER="root" LOGFILE="/data/log/status.log" LASTDETECTED="/data/log/lastdetected.log" MAILHOST="a.mail.capable.server.which.you.can.log.into" MAILHOSTUSER="the.mail.host.user" MOTION_KEY="@motion_detection" MOTION_CONFIG="/data/etc/thread-1.conf" GRACETIME=230 # this is inverse: off means device detected and home and motion detection # should be off DETECTED="on" DETECTEDIP="" declare -a DEVICES DEVICES=( "00:11:22:33:44:55" ) declare -A IPS function init() { if [ ! -f "${LOGFILE}" ]; then touch "${LOGFILE}" fi } function debug() { local msg="DEBUG $(date -Iseconds) $1" #debugmsgs+=("$msg") echo "$msg" } function get_motion() { local current="$(cat "${MOTION_CONFIG}" | grep "${MOTION_KEY}" | awk '{print $NF}')" # unpassed to-be-set value handling if [ "${current}" != "on" ] && [ "${current}" != "off" ]; then current="off" fi echo "${current}" } function set_motion() { local set=$1 # unpassed to-be-set value handling if [ "${set}" != "on" ] && [ "${set}" != "off" ]; then set="off" fi /etc/init.d/S85motioneye stop sed -i "s/\(#\s*$MOTION_KEY\s\s*\).*/\1$set/" $MOTION_CONFIG /etc/init.d/S85motioneye start ${SSHCMD} ${MAILHOSTUSER}@${MAILHOST} -- "echo \"$(date -Iseconds) $DETECTED $DETECTEDIP\" | mail -s \"motion status change: ${set}\" -a\"Date:$(date -R)\" alerts@petermolnar.eu" } function collect_ips() { for dev in "${DEVICES[@]}"; do local ip="$(${SSHCMD} ${ROUTERUSER}@${ROUTER} -- "cat /tmp/dnsmasq.leases | awk '/$dev/ {print \$3}'" 2>/dev/null)" IPS[$ip]=1 done } function ping_ips() { for k in "${!IPS[@]}"; do ping -c3 -w3 -W1 "${k}" >& /dev/null done } function test_ips() { for k in "${!IPS[@]}"; do if ping -c1 -w1 -W1 "${k}" >& /dev/null; then # turning off motion DETECTEDIP="${k}" DETECTED="off" echo "$(date +%s) $DETECTEDIP" > "${LASTDETECTED}" break fi done } function test_lastrun() { # return 0: change status # return 1: don't change status # logline should be: "epoch ISO-8601 DETECTED IP" local lastrun="$(tail -n1 "${LOGFILE}")" #debug "lastrun: $lastrun" # no need to do anything in case the previous detection status is the same # as now local laststatus="$(echo "${lastrun}" | cut -d" " -f3)" if [ "${laststatus}" == "${DETECTED}" ]; then return 1 fi # no need for restarts if the current value is the same local current="$(get_motion)" if [ "${current}" == "${DETECTED}" ]; then return 1 fi # check previous timestamp to prevent flapping local lasttime="$(cat "${LASTDETECTED}" | cut -d" " -f1)" #local lasttime="$(echo "${lastrun}" | cut -d" " -f1)" if [ -z ${lasttime} ]; then lasttime=0 fi local minepoch=$(($(date +%s)-${GRACETIME})) if [ ${lasttime} -gt ${minepoch} ]; then #debug "timeout not reached" return 1 fi debug "all clear, change status" # detect status is different and the last entry is $GRACETIME+ old: act echo "$(date +%s) $(date -Iseconds) $DETECTED $DETECTEDIP" >> "${LOGFILE}" return 0 } init collect_ips ping_ips test_ips if test_lastrun; then set_motion "${DETECTED}" fi ``` [^1]: