--- author: email: mail@petermolnar.net image: https://petermolnar.net/favicon.jpg name: Peter Molnar url: https://petermolnar.net copies: - http://web.archive.org/web/20141202094633/https://petermolnar.eu/linux-tech-coding/rss-is-still-alive/ lang: en published: '2014-11-12T10:27:47+00:00' summary: Examples for RSS feed options of some social sites. tags: - internet title: Hidden and less hidden RSS feeds on some major social networks --- RSS[^1] used to be THE thing to follow people all around. It has a gargantuan advantage compared to any "Follow" button on any website: it used to be platform and service independent but centralized in your chosen RSS reader. The reader crawled all the RSS feeds you were "following" from all around the internet - and that's it. Like e-mail. *And it's also the easiest way to anonymously stalk around.* Since Google phased out it's Reader, RSS slowly started to fade out but some other services still have it - and it's good for you. ## The Good Below the services who play nice and do show the RSS feed URLs in the gallery/page/portfolio site source code - only none of the "modern" browsers care anymore to show the RSS icon in the toolbar. ### deviantArt `http://backend.deviantart.com/rss.xml?q=gallery%3AUSERNAME`. `gallery:` becomes `gallery%3A` due to the URL encoding; only replace the `USERNAME` with the deviantArt username. ### Tumblr `http://USERNAME.tumblr.com/rss` Tumblr is one of the exceptions: most of the themes still have the RSS logo with the RSS link underneath it. ### WordPress WordPress ( both .com and hosted sites ) nearly always have RSS feeds for the site, for the categories, the tags; even for comments, sitewise and per entry. Examples: full site feed : `http://USERNAME.wordpress.com/comments/feed` full comments feed : `http://USERNAME.wordpress.com/comments/feed` category feed : `http://USERNAME.wordpress.com/category/CATEGORYNAME/feed` post specific comments feed : `http://USERNAME.wordpress.com/URL/TO/THE/POST/feed` ### Blogspot.com `http://USERNAME.blogspot.com/feeds/posts/default` ## The Ugly The following sites are not really announcing - or not the way they should, within the actual page - the following RSS feed options. ### Flickr To get the feed of a single person use: `https://api.flickr.com/services/feeds/photos_public.gne?lang=en-us&format=rss_200&id=USERID`. Unfortunately, the USERID is not the username, and to get the actual ID you either need to need to use the Flickr API or visit a 3rd party service, like . At least you can specify set IDs as well to follow, the details are at . There is also a way to get the feed of everyone you follow: `https://api.flickr.com/services/feeds/photos_friends.gne?lang=en-us&format=rss_200&id=USERID` but in this case, USERID should be your own ID. ### Behance `https://www.behance.net/USERNAME.xml` Replace USERNAME with the Behance portfolio owner's username. ## Pinterest `http://www.pinterest.com/USERNAME/BOARDNAME.rss` to get the feed of a specific board. I could not find the way to get a feed of all boards of a user. ## Instagram `http://widget.websta.me/rss/n/USERNAME` will get a user's feed. ## And the Bad ### Facebook Nope. No RSS. Nothing to see here. ### Twitter [Not anymore](https://www.seroundtable.com/twitter-rss-depreciated-16973.html). ### Google+ There never was one. ## Footnotes There is a small software, rss2email[^2] that can parse RSS feeds and convert the entries to e-mails; I'm still using it, and it's great. No missed posts, no looking around for updates, just new messages in my Inbox. *Also, 2.70 works better for me than 2.71.* [^1]: [^2]: