--- author: email: mail@petermolnar.net image: https://petermolnar.net/favicon.jpg name: Peter Molnar url: https://petermolnar.net copies: - http://web.archive.org/web/20190624130209/https://petermolnar.net/spotify-how-good-is-high-quality-streaming/ lang: en published: '2015-09-11T12:41:46+00:00' summary: Is there an actual difference between high and normal quality streaming on Spotify? How does Spotify high quality streaming compare to CD quality? tags: - music title: 'Spotify: how good is high quality streaming?' --- I've been looking all around to find a decent review that shows me how good is the quality of Spotify's "High quality" streaming. No luck, so I'll do one. ## CD RIP (flac) This is the spectrum and wave of the original, 1996 CD version: ![spectrum, CD version](enigma-tnt_for_the_brain.cdrip-flac.spek.png) ![wave, CD version](enigma-tnt_for_the_brain.cdrip-flac.wave.png) ## 320kbps MP3 from CD RIP by ffmpeg ![spectrum, 320kbps MP3 from CD](enigma-tnt_for_the_brain.cdrip-mp3.spek.png) ![wave, 320kbps MP3 from CD](enigma-tnt_for_the_brain.cdrip-mp3.wave.png) ## Spotify high quality (desktop) streaming ( Recorded with audio-recorder\[\^3\] into flac. ) ![spectrum, spotify high quality](enigma-tnt_for_the_brain.spotify-high.spek.png) ![wave, spotify high quality](enigma-tnt_for_the_brain.spotify-high.wave.png) ## Spotify normal quality (desktop) streaming ![spectrum, spotify normal quality](enigma-tnt_for_the_brain.spotify-normal.spek.png) ![wave, spotify normal quality](enigma-tnt_for_the_brain.spotify-normal.wave.png) Conclusions: high quality is still not CD, but is far ahead of the 320k MP3 output of ffmpeg.