--- author: email: mail@petermolnar.net image: https://petermolnar.net/favicon.jpg name: Peter Molnar url: https://petermolnar.net copies: - http://web.archive.org/web/20120526150533/http://petermolnar.eu:80/linux-tech-coding/use-owncloud-carddav-contacts-in-roundcube-and-import-vcf-to-owncloud lang: en published: '2012-02-08T14:05:16+00:00' summary: How to use OwnCloud CardDAV service as address book in RoundCube and how to import vcf into OwnCloud. tags: - server title: Use OwnCloud CardDAV contacts in RoundCube ( and import .vcf to OwnCloud) --- OwnCloud is getting better and better, and by some tweakings in nginx, it is now useable on my server as well. But to really become an alternative for Google Apps, I needed to connect it into RoundCube WebMail[^1]. *I've given up on Thunderbird, it's choose to take walk the same way as Firefox, for example, by ruining plugin compatibility, lack of sync features, and so on.* So how to connect RoundCube address book with OwnCloud CardDAV server? - I suppose you have a working RoundCube installation. If not, here's the official howto[^2]. - Download the CardDAV plugin from Benjamin Schieder[^3] (as buy something for him from his whishlist[^4] ) - uncompress the downloaded tar.bz2 file - move the extracted `carddav` folder into the `plugins` folder of your RoundCube - move the `config.inc.php.dist` file to `config.inc.php` in the carddav folder. This config file contains two pre-defined address books, comment out them, if you have no need. Be careful to leave the `$prefs['db_version'] = 2` in, that is not to be commented! - add `carddav` into `roundcube/config/main.inc.php` to the `$rcmail_config['plugins']` array -login to roundcube and go to `Personal settings`, `CardDAV` - add a new address book with the URL to your contact list provided by OwnCloud. You can find this by: - nagivate to Contacts in owncloud - click on `Addressbooks` at the top right corner - click on the little Earth icon in the line of the address book you're about to use - copy the URL - optional: if you'd like to use as default address book, go to `Personal settings`, `Address Book`, `Main Options` and change the default address book there. After you're ready, you can go the the new address book in RoundCube and import any vcf file with the help of it - and because the address book is really located at OwnCloud it's going to be imported into OwnCloud. [^1]: [^2]: [^3]: [^4]: