Fixing Gopher Server As part of preparing for the release of version 9 of Yioop, I was going through trying to remove deprecation warning that show up when using PHP 8.1. As part of this I noticed my atto server project had some PHP 8.1 deprecations as well. This caused when viewed using the Gopher protocol to have errors. As I think it is cool to still have a working PHP server for Gopher I went ahead and fixed these in my project. Summer Coding Plans This summer I want to code a number of small single-file servers for various useful things. I call the project seekquarry/atto. Currently, I am hosting it at github, but I'll probably also keep a copy at So far I've coded a Node.js style PHP web server and gopher server. The next server I am going to work on is a combined smtp/imap server. Some of the code for these will be worked in to various group features of my Yioop search engine. I have been following SSD prices, my plan is to start a new large scale crawl when 4tb ssd prices get down to the 500-700 dollar range. I have some ideas on how to improve organic search result which I'll also try testing. Hope other people have a super happy summer, Chris Imported some old Blogger posts I added the ability to Yioop software to import forum and blog discussions based on rss or atom feeds. I was trying to migrate all my old Google class discussion from google over to In the process I remembered I had an old blogger account which I downloaded the data for. It only has a few posts from 2005-2006 but it was interesting to see what I thought would be cool technologies of the future. Getting rid of unwanted applications in OSX El Capitan Some programs in OSX can be annoying. For example, I generally don't want, iTunes, etc to automatically pop up when I connect something to my machine. I don't like the idea of apps phoning home, etc. I don't like the idea of not being able to uninstall apps I don't want. On OSX EL Capitan there is software System Integrity Protection which makes it hard to uninstall some of the pre-loaded applications from Apple. The actual purpose of SIP is reasonable enough: Prevent people from messing with important OS file systems on your machine. These include folders like: /System /usr /bin /sbin but it also includes pre-loaded software. System Integrity Protection can be disabled by: Booting the machine in recovery mode (Command-R at restart till Apple logo) Then a terminal type: csrutil disable Restart To re-enable it, one can follow the same as the above except changing disable to enable . Once you've disabled it, you can do: sudo rm -rf /Applications/ etc. to get rid of pre-loaded programs you don't want. Since SIP is generally a good thing you can then boot back into recovery mode to re-enable it. Migrating to Yioop Software I am migrating the Old site to the Yioop Search Engine Software I have written. This will force me to eat my own dog food a bit more. I migrated the one post I had on the Old on OSX Server's wiki system. You can expect future posts here which will probably be geeky in nature and largely related to me figuring out how to configure stuff and then blogging so I will remember what I did. Setting up default postgres in MAC OSX First written: April 27, 2014 at 7:55pm OSX since Lion comes with postgres but it seems a little hard to figure out exactly how to get it running so I thought I'd read a short entry so I could remember how I did it. (1) Check if postgres is running: sudo serveradmin fullstatus postgres (2) If it is not running you can get it running with the command: sudo serveradmin start postgres (3) Make sure postgres is listening to localhost: cd /Library/Server/PostgreSQL/Config/ sudo nano org.postgresql.postgres.plist change listen_addresses= to listen_addresses= save and then type: sudo serveradmin stop postgres sudo serveradmin start postgres (4) Use template1 to create database accounts sudo -u _postgres psql template1 CREATE USER myusername WITH PASSWORD 'mypassword'; CREATE DATABASE mydatabase; GRANT ALL PRIVILEGES ON mydatabase TO myusername; \q (5) You should now be able to connect to the database from a terminal window using: psql -d mydatabase -u myusername (6) Another thing you may need to do is cd /Library/Server/PostgreSQL/Data you might want to change the default trust settings for connections specified in pg_hba.conf to some other kind of authentication. For example, host all myusername password My Old Blogger Posts (circa 2005-2006) RFID Mood Rings Today, I was thinking it would be cool to know someone's frame of mind before giving them a cell phone call. For instance, it's not too hard to tell someone's disposition -- happy, sad,angry, etc -- if you can see their face, and based on this decide whether you want to talk or whatever. This got me to thinking about hooking up something like a 60's mood ring to your cell phone. The ring based on heat, skin sweat, etc could monitor your mood. When a cell phone call comes in the cell phone could read these settings from the ring and send a few bits back to the caller's cell phone before the phone actually started ringing. The caller would see the caller's mood and then could decide whether or not to proceed with the call and actually ring the caller. I am not sure what would be the best technology for the ring. Nowadays, Bluetooth is in everything but I was not sure whether this could be put in something as small as a ring. I was thinking it might be advantageous to have a passive technology like rfid -- that way, you wouldn't have to worry about batteries or anything. public joined Public! On Fri, 19 Feb 2016 13:58:00 -0800, you joined the group Public.