One More Case To Follow: Another intriguing shooting by an off-duty NYPD officer. The shooter appears to be a lieutenant from Internal Affairs, attacked by a tenant while he was collecting rent at an apartment building he purchased recently. "He said the guy on the first floor hit him, struggled with him, and his gun discharged." --- Legislation To Reverse Small v. U.S.: Prominent prohibitionist Carolyn McCarthy has introduced a bill to specify that Congress does intend to include felony convictions in foreign courts as a ban to firearm ownership in this country. The US Supreme Court recently ruled that "any court" only applies to American courts. --- Prescription For Lead: An armed robber, seeking Oxy-Contin from a Boston pharmacy, ended up fleeing empty-handed when the pharmacist drew his own handgun and the two exchanged shots. Sounds like the pharmacist can use a bit more time on the range. --- Michigan County Trims Wait For CWP's: Wayne County, home to Detroit, is finally reducing the wait to process applications for concealed-weapon permits. Officials blamed a manpower shortage and the surge in applications, following the passage of shall-issue legislation in 2001, for waiting times up to nine months. --- Tenth Anniversary Of North Carolina CCW: Article "looks at both sides of the debate." (Virginia also just had its tenth anniversary.) --- Note The Site Of The Wound: A Los Angeles deputy sheriff shot and wounded a man who pointed a gun at him. The suspect was shot in the leg. If the deputy was right-handed, odds are that it was the suspect's right leg, consistent with a low, left shot, commonly seen in anticipation or jerking the trigger.,1,6445530.story?coll=la-headlines-california --- When Guns Are Outlawed Only T-Shirts Will Have Guns: A "Be Tough T-shirt," marketed in Japan, bears an image of a pistol tucked into the wearer's waistband. --- Freed Teacher Seeks Job Back: The British special-needs teacher, recently released by an appeals judge who commuted her sentence to probation, is struggling to keep her job. She was convicted of firing an unloaded air pistol toward a sidewalk in a dispute with a gang that had just vandalized her home. --- Hero In Irish Robbery May Face Assault Charges: A Congolese immigrant in Ireland may be charged with assault for the struggle that ensued when he challenged a man who tried to rob a post office, using a knife and a replica firearm.,,2091-1603407,00.html -- Stephen P. Wenger Firearm safety - It's a matter for education, not legislation. .