Virginia Relaxes Law On Guns At Schools: It is now legal in Virginia for a permit-holder to drive onto school grounds with a loaded firearm, so long as the person remains inside the vehicle. Utah Has No School Restrictions On Permit-Holders: --- Mozambique Drill?: The incident that prompted the doctrine of "two to the chest, one to the head" actually culminated with one to the neck ( A California police officer, wearing soft body armor, narrowly survived such a shooting and killed his assailant. We will likely never know if the shot to the neck was an intentional "failure drill.",1,2946907.story?coll=la-headlines-california --- A Gun Is Always Loaded: Article profiles a Colorado firearms instructor who, unfortunately, seems to believe the "statistic" that homeowners with firearms are more likely to shoot themselves or a family member than a criminal. --- Would-Be Burglar Shot: A man who broke a store window with a brick was shot by the store's owner, who was inside the store in response to an earlier burglary attempt. Not the shot to the thigh, consistent with jerking the shot low and to the non-dominant side. --- Interesting Perspective On Tasers: While not directly related to firearms, this article analyzes why police officers survive being hit with Tasers and some felons don't. One error: A Taser was used on Rodney Glenn King, causing a fall to the ground that was the most probable cause of the fracture to the orbit of his eye; however, he ripped out the barbs. preventing its further use. A Libertarian View Of "Gun Control": If you view the state (government) as evil...In my opinion, "gun control" is the ability to hit your selected target. --- Firearms Licensing In India: Recent kidnappings of physicians have prompted the Home Department to move that occupation from the lowest to the highest priority for firearm licenses. A former Health Minister and current president of the Indian Medical Association has been waiting seven years for his license. --- Meanwhile, In Thailand...: Teachers in the southern provinces, troubled by violence by Muslim extremists, have been authorized to carry firearms. --- Oh, Those Evil Guns!: The government of Sri Lanka prepares to publicly destroy 27,000 firearms at Independence Square next Friday, the International Day against Illegal Firearms. --- From Alan Korwin: Can Sandra Day O'Connor shoot at the new Sandra Day O'Connor courthouse range in Phoenix? Public Use Of Federal GUN Ranges Saved Public Use Of Federal GUN Ranges Saved Public Use Of Federal GUN Ranges Saved Civilian-Marksmanship-Programs Cut, But Access Remains Civilian-Marksmanship-Programs Cut, But Access Remains A ten-year review of national gun laws reveals that public access to federal shooting ranges has been preserved. A little-known law states that any rifle range built at least partially by federal money may be used by the military and the public. This covers, for example, the Sandra Day O'Connor courthouse range in Phoenix. Other features of the Civilian Marksmanship Program (CMP) were abandoned, such as free .22 and .30 caliber ammunition for the public and youth groups. The rewrite of these laws are included in the completely updated 5th edition of "Gun Laws of America," to be released this month. Details are posted at Enacted in 1956 at the height of Cold War tensions under president Eisenhower, and repealed in 1996 from gun-control pressure under president Clinton, CMP was designed to ensure the public was proficient with firearms, for national safety. This affected every knuckle-dragging, pistol-packing pocket-rocket bubba in America. All of the nation's estimated 80 million gun owners benefit from the range-access law. Regulations for military and public access must be written by whoever controls the range. Fees may be charged in some cases, and the military has first call on use of the range. In the case of ranges at military sites, public use of the range may not interfere with use by the armed forces. Many federal ranges are not military. "If more people knew about this law and went to the ranges, the increase in training would have a beneficial effect on gun safety," said Alan Korwin, the author of Gun Laws of America. "The basement shooting range in the new Sandra Day O'Connor federal court house in downtown Phoenix would be a welcome addition to the limited facilities this large city has." Korwin believes a lack of adequate places to practice marksmanship may infringe upon the right to keep and bear arms. "The Second Amendment protects the right of people to practice with the guns they bear," he says, a point recognized by this law, known as 10 USC §4309. "Otherwise, it's like free speech with no talking aloud." Public access to federal shooting ranges is authorized in this law, one of the 271 federal gun laws included in "Gun Laws of America": 10 USC § 4309. Rifle ranges: availability for use by members and civilians (a) Ranges available. -- All rifle ranges constructed in whole or in part with funds provided by the United States may be used by members of the armed forces and by persons capable of bearing arms. (b) Military ranges. -- (1) In the case of a rifle range referred to in subsection (a) that is located on a military installation, the Secretary concerned may establish reasonable fees for the use by civilians of that rifle range to cover the material and supply costs incurred by the armed forces to make that rifle range available to civilians. (2) Fees collected pursuant to paragraph (1) in connection with the use of a rifle range shall be credited to the appropriation available for the operation and maintenance of that rifle range and shall be available for the operation and maintenance of that rifle range. (3) Use of a rifle range referred to in paragraph (1) by civilians may not interfere with the use of the range by members of the armed forces. (c) Regulations. -- Regulations to carry out this section with respect to a rifle range shall be prescribed, subject to the approval of the Secretary concerned, by the authorities controlling the rifle range. ------------------------- ------------------------- CUSTOMERS NOTE: As a courtesy, anyone who obtained "Gun Laws of America" in the past 60 days from us or any of our vendors can request a copy of the completely revised tenth anniversary edition for the cost of shipping; contact us for details. New orders for "Gun Laws of America" will be held until the tenth anniversary edition of this fine reference book is off the press. Copies for news media review are available on request. Get more details at our website, linked below. Contact: Alan Korwin BLOOMFIELD PRESS "We publish the gun laws." 4718 E. Cactus #440 Phoenix, AZ 85032 602-996-4020 Phone 602-494-0679 FAX 1-800-707-4020 Orders Call, write, fax or click for a free catalog. If you can read this, thank a teacher. If you're reading this in English, thank a veteran. -- Stephen P. Wenger Firearm safety - It's a matter for education, not legislation. .