Subpoenas In Death Of SWAT Officer: All members of the SWAT team in Easton PA have been subpoenaed in a grand jury investigation of the shooting death of one of its members inside the police station (follow-up on earlier reports). --- New York Gun-Show Law Questioned: A law presumably intended to require background checks on gun-show transactions could possibly affect any gun-club function. --- PA Gun Show Denied Due To Accidental Shooting: A Pittsburgh-area gun show is fighting to continue after ExpoMart has refused to continue renting to the show's operators. Last May a customer was shot accidentally when a vendor handed him a loaded pistol. --- Columbus City Council Sets "AWB" Vote: One Ohio city is seeking to introduce its own replacement for the lapsed federal ban on cosmetically impaired firearms. --- Brazil Sets Referendum On Firearm Purchases: The Brazilian legislature has scheduled a referendum vote on whether to ban firearms in that country. (Note the caption on the photo of the well armed police officer.) --- Big Brother Is Watching: London police has over six thousand cameras monitoring London's subway system. Images may help track down the recent bombers. They certainly don't appear to have helped prevent the attacks. --- From KeepAndBearArms: URGENT MESSAGE ABOUT SUPREME COURT FIGHT--PLEASE READ, HELP AND PASS ON! I just learned that... ...gun grabber US Senator Chuck Schumer is the point man for an anti-gun rights attack machine aimed at destroying any chance for a pro Second Amendment nominee to be confirmed to replace Sandra Day O'Connor on the US Supreme Court. I need your help to stop him and his cohorts now. Tomorrow will be too late. Click here to make an urgent online contribution. Anti-gun organizations have committed millions of dollars to make sure that the Senate does not confirm a US Supreme Court Judge who supports our constitutional gun rights because they know that there are several gun rights cases in the lower courts that could make it to the nation's highest court. We have no time to waste. It is essential we counter this anti-gun rights attack machine. What gun rights they can't destroy in Congress--they will in the courts. This battle is over the balance of power on the Supreme Court. We cannot afford to lose this one. I know you understand how important this fight is and what we are up against. That is why the Citizens Committee for the Right to Keep and Bear Arms needs your help now. We must raise $265,000 immediately to launch a counter-attack in 6 key states where Senators could be swayed not to join this anti-gun rights legal filibuster to stop a pro Second Amendment Judge from being confirmed. We can't do it without your help today. Click here to make an urgent onlilne contribution. Please, immediately send a much needed contribution of $25. If you can send more please do so as soon as possible. Your contribution will be put to urgent use at once. Sincerely yours, Alan M. Gottlieb Founder, Citizens Committee for the Right to Keep and Bear Arms President, Our success depends on your support now! -- Stephen P. Wenger Firearm safety - It's a matter for education, not legislation. .