Good-Samartian Shooting At New Mexico Wal-Mart: A female employee at a Wal-Mart store in Albuquerque was stabbed by her ex-husband. The stabber was then shot fatally by a customer, who appears to have been licensed to carry concealed. Not mentioned yet in news reports is that the good samaritan could conceivably face a felony charge for carrying a firearm in a business where alcohol is sold. --- Other Wal-Mart Shooter Stopped Medication: A man who fatally shot two employees in a Phoenix-area Wal-Mart parking lot a few days ago had a long history of mental illness and had stopped taking his medication for schizophrenia four months ago. --- Workplace Gun Bans Cost Lives: Commenting on the battle over the Oklahoma law that would block employers from banning firearms in employees' vehicles parked on company lots, John Lott and April Dabney look at the actual evidence. --- Most Workplace Homicides Are Robbery-Related: The NRA-ILA looks at another set of statistics and finds that most workplace homicides are not committed by disgruntled employees or estranged intimate partners. --- Bringing A Fork To A Gunfight, Sort Of...: A Louisiana man who tried to simulate a handgun with a fork, in order to rob a convenience store, ended up taking a few lumps from a baseball bat wielded by the clerk. Both combatants dropped their weapons when a customer fired a warning shot into the ground. --- Ex-Husband Dies After Shootout: A Louisiana man who broke into the home of his ex-wife lost a gunfight with another man who was in the home. Note that after being hit with several rounds, he fled to his car, then drove off before dying. --- Strange Case In Texas: A tiny woman who fatally shot her abusive boyfriend has been acquitted of murder charges even though she initially let her 9-year-old son claim that he had fired the fatal shot. --- Virginia County Backs Off Firearm-Discharge Amendment: Protesting citizens appear to have discouraged Prince George County supervisors from tightening restrictions on the discharge of firearms. --- Interesting Road-Rage Case: An Oregon truck driver may have learned a valuable lesson about not confronting aggressive drivers after a young motorist used a left-turn lane to pass him just before a traffic signal. When the trucker walked up to the other vehicle, stopped at the light, the driver pointed a pistol at him. The driver faces several criminal charges and has had his CWP suspended pending the outcome of the case. --- NYPD Deploys .50's On Helicopters: The NYPD has purchased a few Barrett .50-caliber rifles and has mounted at least three of them on helicopters. --- Why Did You Move There?: Some neighbors are complaining about the noise from the Everett WA police range. Home buyers were warned about the range when they purchased homes in the Forest Preserve, city spokeswoman Kate Reardon said. --- South African Licensing Law Is Disguised Disarmament Scheme: Police admit that no new firearm licenses have been issued in West Cape province since the new licensing law took effect and only 15 licenses have been renewed. Chairperson of the South African Gunowners' Association in the Western Cape, Thomas Eastes, said matters seemed abysmal in the rest of the country too.,,2-7-1442_1758060,00.html -- Stephen P. Wenger Firearm safety - It's a matter for education, not legislation. .