No virus found in this outgoing message. Checked by AVG Free Edition. Version: 7.1.371 / Virus Database: 267.13.13/199 - Release Date: 12/13/2005= =0D Wisconsin Assembly Passes Amended CCW Bill: Tacking on a few amendments that may be oriented toward lessening opposition from the state's sheriffs, the Wisconsin Assembly passed its own version of a bill to create licensed CCW. --- As I Was Saying...: I have repeatedly tried to make the point that a firearm alone may not suffice if you lack the "empty hand" skills to survive long enough to deploy it. Here's an account of a California deputy sheriff who grabbed the cylinder of an assailant's revolver, to keep it from firing. --- Assailant's Past Debated In Pre-Trial Motions: The battle continues over the upcoming trial of a retired teacher who fatally shot a man who threatened him on an Arizona hiking trail. --- Michigan Club To Appeal Ruling: A Michigan shooting club is turning to the state's supreme court in an effort to keep its range. --- Teddy On Gun Cleaning: Some strong opinions from Teddy Jacobson on cleaning and lubricating handguns. --- From SAF: NEWS RELEASE SAN FRANCISCO 'FIGHTS CRIME' BY DISARMING VICTIMS, SAYS SAF BELLEVUE, WA - While the City of San Francisco is battling a lawsuit to prevent its Draconian gun ban from taking effect Jan. 1, 2006, it has just been revealed that the majority of the city's homicides remain unsolved, and one reason according to police is because witnesses are afraid to testify out of fear of retaliation. The Second Amendment Foundation (SAF) said today this scenario will be made worse by the gun ban because it will disarm victims and witnesses, leaving them at the mercy of armed criminals. According to the San Francisco Chronicle, 74 of the city's 94 homicides this year remain unsolved. "If someone wanted a visual definition of social insanity, San Francisco under Proposition H will fill that bill," said SAF founder Alan M. Gottlieb. "Supervisor Chris Daly, the gun ban's sponsor and biggest advocate, says he will introduce a city charter amendment to create a homicide prevention council. They're going to draft a plan to reduce homicides. Yeah, like that's going to stop San Francisco thugs from murdering people." SAF and the National Rifle Association, the Law Enforcement Alliance of America, California Association of Firearms Retailers, and several individuals are plaintiffs in the lawsuit challenging the anti-gun measure because it violates California's preemption law. SAF successfully fought an earlier San Francisco gun ban. "San Francisco, where law-abiding citizens will be disarmed, has had nearly a hundred murders this year," Gottlieb said. "Seattle, where thousands of citizens are legally licensed to carry concealed handguns, has had fewer than 30 homicides. Now the mastermind of unilateral disarmament of the law-abiding public thinks that creating a committee is going to stop the mayhem. That is simply nuts. "We're fighting this gun ban because we don't share Daly's philosophy of wishful thinking," Gottlieb said. "We live in the real world, where people have a right to defend themselves. We cannot sit by while flower-power politicians pander pie-in-the-sky substitutes for public safety, while at the same time stripping citizens of the tools to guarantee their genuine security, and their right to be safe in their businesses and homes." --- From JPFO: ALERT FROM JEWS FOR THE PRESERVATION OF FIREARMS OWNERSHIP America's Aggressive Civil Rights Organization December 12, 2005 JPFO ALERT: War Against Gun Owners It all began with a video -- who knew where it would lead? In January of 2005, JPFO made available the shocking film _BATFE FAILS THE TEST_ ( In this video - which the government _never_ wanted you to see -- "experts" from the BATFE are shown attempting to prove that a perfectly legal semi-automatic rifle is a "machine gun," thus ensuring enormous fines and/or prison time for its owner, John Glover. They would have succeeded, too, but for the efforts of _real_ firearms expert Len Savage, who easily demonstrated that the firearm was merely malfunctioning. DYNAMITE When we saw the raw film, we _knew_ were looking at dynamite. Even so, we couldn't have predicted the juggernaut we set loose. That videotape not only exonerated Glover, but sparked a series of events that culminated in a memo issued by the Congressional Research Service ( publically acknowledging what gun-rights activists have suspected for some time: the BATFE has had _NO_ standardized procedures for determining what, exactly, qualifies a firearm as a machine-gun. (Think about that for a moment. NO standardized tests and NO documented procedures means that any conclusions reached about a particular firearm are by definition subjective to the tester. We've documented, for example, instances in which a firearm is considered "readily convertible to full-auto" after _eight hours_ of complicated machine-shop work! A reasonable person would not consider that to be "readily convertible", yet the BATFE tester did.) The video also spurred the introduction of HR 1603, the "Fairness in Firearms Testing Act", which would require the BATFE to videotape ALL firearms tests. THINGS GET HOT FOR BATFE The Department of Justice tried in vain to suppress the publication of the CRS memo. Why? _Because subjective "evidence" can be challenged in court!_ Imagine the political backlash that would result if thousands of firearms convictions were challenged in court ... and possibly overturned! Now imagine this chaos taking place under an allegedly pro-gun _Republican_ administration. It certainly wouldn't help matters if it became widely known that HR 1603 is stalled in the House Judiciary Committee, a committee chaired by none other than _Republican_ Representative James Sensenbrenner. The Republican Party might never recover from such a scandal. Through the Department of Justice and the BATFE, the current administration is desperately trying to stuff the firearms genie back into the bottle. WE CANNOT PERMIT THIS TO HAPPEN! A CALL TO ARMS We're gearing up for a battle of _epic_ proportions, and we need more warriors on our side. The BATFE is on the run and YOU can take a simple step to make sure they keep retreating! Without continued pressure by constituents, both HR 1603 and the revelations in the CRS memo will be easily, quietly buried. So we're asking that you continue to widely circulate the CRS memo among friends, family, firearms enthusiasts, and civil rights advocates. When you do, ask them the following questions: * If the Constitution confers no power on Congress to regulate private use and possession of alcohol, tobacco, firearms or explosives, then which Right(s) does the BATFE seem to violate just by existing? * Considering the Second Amendment, what power should the BATFE have to regulate or prohibit ownership or possession of firearms? * If the BATFE can arrest (without a warrant) a person for failing to have paperwork for firearms, which Right would that seem to violate? We're also asking criminal law attorneys to contact us. As awareness of this scandal grows, more and more victims of the BATFE's arbitrary and capricious policies will step forth, and we'll need a referral list for them to contact. John Glover was exonerated, but there are still hundreds (if not thousands) of others who could be. For once, the "little guys" have a real shot at making an earth-shattering impact on federal firearms policies. Join JPFO in battling this rogue agency, and give the BATFE the boot! - The Liberty Crew PS For more information on how you can help our "Boot the BATFE" campaign, please visit JUST 3 DAYS UNTIL BILL OF RIGHTS DAY, DECEMBER 15. ALL THE BILL OF RIGHTS FOR ALL CITIZENS! ============================================================ Holiday Special! 10% off all orders of $10 or more. Visit our store at ============================================================ JPFO mirror site: ============================================================ LET JPFO KEEP YOU INFORMED -- Sign up today for JPFO Alerts! Just send a blank e-mail to To unsubscribe, send a blank email to ============================================================= Regain your freedom - download the song "Justice Day" today! ============================================================= Original Material in JPFO ALERTS is Copyright 2005 JPFO, Inc. Permission is granted to reproduce this alert in full, so long as the following JPFO contact information is included: Jews for the Preservation of Firearms Ownership PO Box 270143 Hartford, Wisconsin 53027 Phone: 1-262-673-9745 Order line: 1-800-869-1884 (toll-free!) Fax: 1-262-673-9746 Web: ============================================================= -- Stephen P. Wenger Firearm safety - It's a matter for education, not legislation. .