No virus found in this outgoing message. Checked by AVG Free Edition. Version: 7.1.371 / Virus Database: 267.14.13/221 - Release Date: 1/4/2006 Chicago's Daley Vows To Continue Fight For Infringements: Chicago's Mayor Daley, in the face of several legislative defeats this past year, vows to continue his fight to impose Chicago-style infringements on the RKBA on the rest of Illinois.,1,7641143.story?coll=chi-news-hed --- NYC Mayor Engenders Opposition In South: The campaign for further restrictions on the purchase of firearms in other states, proposed by NYC Mayor Bloomberg, is starting to produce some vocal opposition. --- And Your Point Would Be?: Mexican officials are seeking to make an issue of the fact that a known alien smuggler, shot while throwing rocks at a US Border Patrol agent, was hit with hollowpoint rounds. (Perhaps they'd be happier if agents used FMJ rounds so that bullets would have a better chance of exiting and hitting more illegal entrants per shot fired.) --- But Where Did The Bullet End Up?: An elderly Colorado man scared off a burglar, attempting to kick in his front door, by firing a bullet over the burglar's head. The burglar is in custody; fortunately, the homeowner is not. He is responsible for any damage that may have been caused by the stray bullet. --- The International Role Of the NRA: Article examines the role of the NRA in Brazil's recent referendum, opposition to IANSA at the UN and more. --- A Message From A List Member: Please send out a message reminding ALL of us to be vigilant and continually aware of our surroundings. Last night at about 8:15 pm, I was walking my parents' Dachshund (as they were at the Rose Bowl events in California) in my neighborhood in SV. It is a new subdivision and still many homes are under construction. As we approached my home from the other side of the street, opposite of my home. The neighbor pulled up in their SUV and opened their doors. Two large Pitbulls bolted across the street and attacked the dachshund and myself. Things happen much quicker than I have ever anticipated. I saw the dogs bolt for us. I reached down to pick up Bear (dachshund) and the pitbulls were biting and jumping on me. They knocked me to the ground, I was able to then pick Bear up again and continue to fight the two pitbulls while struggling to keep the pitbulls from killing either of us. My only thought was to try and jump in the back of my pickup, so I could achieve some space, however, I never made it that far. I am not sure how the pitbulls were restrained, that is if the neighbors physically took them in their home or if they were called off. I was then able to reach the garage door opener, open the door and place Bear in the garage. I had ripped jeans, both shoes missing and I was bleeding, Bear was yelping. I continued to check over the dog. I wasn't for sure of the Pitbulls were there or not. I forgot to check in a full circle. I do remember my neighbor's brother in law telling me I was safe now. After, a few minutes of checking the dog over, and having a heated discussion with the neighbor, the owner of the two pitbulls. I went inside. I checked myself over, found I had abrasions to both knees, elbows, several fingers, forearms. I called the police, which arrived within about 20 minutes. I was impressed by this. They took a report and talked with the neighbor. I then began the process of cleaning my wounds, which I thought at the time, were only abrasions. Today I phoned the Animal control, which came out and took a full report. They informed me that the abrasions also, had evidence of teeth marks within them. I also discovered two more similar marks on my left forearm. The animal rescue removed the pitbulls for quarantine purposes. I later discovered through the Animal control officer, that the dogs rabies shots were expired. I took Bear to the vet, he checked out ok, but has to be watched for the next 10 days. There were no apparent puncture wounds to Bear. I am still awaiting my treatment at the hospital. I guess what I really what to convey is that I was less than 30 yards from my home and this vicious attack happened to me and Bear. I was unarmed at the time. Shame on me, and yes, it is only my fault that I was unarmed. This was the only time in the last several months that I left my home unarmed. Guess it shows that never leave home unarmed and in condition white. However, I have replayed my actions, over through my mind countless times, I don't know that if I were armed if I would have reacted through my training to use deadly force with two pitbulls attacking me or if I would have picked up Bear as I did. My instinct was to pick up Bear, I believe that if I were armed I would have done the same. Is that somewhat of a human nature instinct? I am now in fear of my life and children if the dogs are not euthanized. I am not sure how this whole series of events will play out in the next week or so. PLEASE remind everyone to ALWAYS BE AWARE. I was lucky I seen the dogs bolting straight at me, which gave me about one second. I thank you for the countless articles reminding us to be alert and the hours we have spent training. Even though I was unarmed, I was not mulled to death and neither was Bear. I am sore from head to toe and my muscles burn. I knew I was in for a life and death struggle. I am lucky to survive this attack. -- Stephen P. Wenger Firearm safety - It's a matter for education, not legislation. .