No virus found in this outgoing message. Checked by AVG Free Edition. Version: 7.1.375 / Virus Database: 267.14.22/238 - Release Date: 1/23/2006 Wisconsin CCW Back To Legislature: Wisconsin's governor has vetoed the Personal Protection Act, as promised. It now remains to be seen whether the legislature can maintain the votes to override the veto. (If Wisconsin crime rates don't warrant licensing citizens to carry concealed firearms, as alleged by Sauk County Sheriff Randy Stammen, why is he so concerned about them doing so?) --- Alabama Deadly-Force Bill Heads To Full House: One of several stand-your-ground bills introduced in the Alabama legislature has cleared a House committee and heads to the House floor. --- Republicans, Democrats, NRA Back Georgia Use-Of-Force Bills: Several bills in the Georgia legislature would expand the right of citizens to use deadly force in self-defense; one would insulate them against lawsuits for doing so. --- NYPD Officers Win But NRA Still Blamed: An NYPD sergeant and his partner prevailed in a gun battle yet the Daily News still takes the opportunity to lash out at the lobbying efforts of the NRA. --- Oops, Wrong Apartment: Three men invaded an apartment in Houston TX. The father of the family who lives there initially tried to defend his home with a steak knife. He then successively disarmed one of the burglars of two handguns, shooting him once with each one. --- Out With A Bang: Author Stephen Hunter offers a paean to the no-longer-to-be-produced Winchester lever-action rifles. --- Device Spots Weapons Under Clothes: A Florida firm is marketing a radio-wave device, ostensibly to be used for screening at security checkpoints. --- Rule Five Reminder: An officer with the troubled Easton (PA) Police Department must reimburse the city for the costs of replacing his service pistol, which he forgot in a public restroom. (Rule Five: Maintain control of your firearm.),0,5576291.story --- New Burglar Trick: Burglars in Tucson are placing objects in yards and driveways, to see if residents move them in order to enter the homes. Besides serving as markers of whether the residents are in town, I can see how this could be used to get people out of their vehicles for robberies. --- Tangentially Related: The Liberal government, responsible for Canada's boondoggle firearm-registry scheme and the proposal for a ban on privately owned firearms, has narrowly lost yesterday's election to the Conservative Party. Related Article: --- "Airgun Teacher" Denied Return To Job: A special-education teacher in England, convicted of discharging an unloaded airgun toward a sidewalk in a dispute with gang members who had been threatening her home and family, has lost her appeal to regain her job. --- Shooting Lessons Split Labor MP's: An educational program in rural activities for inner-city youngsters, which includes shooting clay pigeons, has prompted objections from some Labor Party Members of Parliament, despite the fact that it was organized by one of their fellows. (A study funded by the US DOJ showed that youngsters who are introduced to legally owned firearms by family members have lower delinquency rates than those who have no exposure to firearms or those who are exposed to illegally owned firearms.) -- Stephen P. Wenger Firearm safety - It's a matter for education, not legislation. .