No virus found in this outgoing message. Checked by AVG Free Edition. Version: 7.1.375 / Virus Database: 267.15.6/258 - Release Date: 2/13/2006 NRA To CPAC, "Remember New Orleans": NRA's Wayne LaPierre addressed the Conservative Political Action Committee, vowing to "make New Orleans the worst nightmare the gun ban crowd has ever seen...New Orleans was the first place in American history to disarm peaceable citizens, house-by-house, at gunpoint," LaPierre said. "And I promise you this standing here today: We at the NRA are going to make sure it's the last place it ever happens."\Nation\archive\200602\NAT20060213c.html --- South Carolina Castle Bill Heads To Senate: The bill to expand the self-defense rights of people in their homes and vehicles has cleared the House and heads to the Senate. --- Kansas Governor Waffling On CCW: According to this editorial, Governor Sebelius still appears to be testing the waters over whether to sign or veto the bill to create licensed CCW in Kansas. The editorial expresses more concern over the stand-your-ground bill than over licensed CCW. --- Potential Nebraska CCW Instructor Profiled: If Nebraska senators approve LB454, chances are Terry Fitzgerald of Lincoln will have something to say about the training of potential concealed-gun permit holders...Fitzgerald insists his students use the term "firearms" in class. "Anytime the word 'weapon' is used, a quarter goes in the can in my classroom," he said. (This is NRA hogwash, from its sport shooting programs - those of us who carry concealed firearms view them as weapons.) --- Home Rule, Pre-Emption And CCW In Ohio: Peoples Rights Organization provides a legal analysis of how Ohio's CCW law pre-empts the concept of home rule in that state. --- Boston Seeks Ammunition Restrictions: Officials in Boston are calling for limits on ammunition sales, compulsory recordkeeping and microstamping technology to imprint a firearm's serial number on ejected cases. --- Compromise Could Allow "One Gun A Month" Restriction In Philadelphia: Editorial in The Philadelphia Inquirer says that an influential gun-rights advocate in the Pennsylvania Senate said he might be willing to back a version of a bill to limit handgun purchases to one per month, per person if it is amended in two ways. Fumo wants the limit to apply only to Philadelphia and to expire after five years. --- "Some Of My Best Friends Are Gun Owners...": A columnist in Kentucky totally misstates a proposed law that would require, since the state bans firearms on school property, that schools post signs advising where their property begins. --- VP Cheney Accidentally Shoots Hunting Partner: Injured hunter broke away from group, then returned without warning as a covey of quail flushed. (This incident serves to remind us to consider how to approach police officers who may have guns drawn.) Bradys Jump In: Brady Bunch founders Sarah and Jim Brady use the opportunity to attack Cheney.\Nation\archive\200602\NAT20060213d.html --- Dr. Joyce Brothers, Firearm Expert: Advice columnist Joyce Brothers cautions that inanimate objects "could kill you or a member of your family." --- Oops, Wrong Apartment (Oregon Version): An Oregon man, whose wife apparently had not consulted Joyce Brothers, was able to retrieve his shotgun and fatally shoot an intruder who was beating him with a collapsible baton. (This is why my revolvers remain in their holsters when I get home and why there is a .223 carbine within reach as I type this.) --- Oops, Wrong Apartment (Washington Version): Two men, armed with a knife and a pellet gun, attempted to force their way into a Spokane apartment. The one with gunshot wounds is in custody and his partner is being sought by police. (The apartment dweller must not read Joyce Brothers' column either.)§ion_id=560&story_id=376 --- Teddy Must Not Read Joyce Brothers: Pending the resolution of his dispute with Dell Computer Corporation, Teddy Jacobson is posting his comments about firearms and self-defense at a new site. As always, he will challenge our thinking, even if we may not agree with all his comments. --- Firearm Thefts Continue In Ontario: Firearm collectors continue to be targeted for burglaries in Canada's Ontario province. As pointed out earlier, it's possible that gangs have accessed police registries of ammunition sales to locate these victims. Fear Mongering In Scotland: Editorial calls for a ban on carrying knives.,,2090-2033912,00.html -- Stephen P. Wenger Firearm safety - It's a matter for education, not legislation. .