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Version: 7.1.375 / Virus Database: 268.2.1/278 - Release Date: 3/9/2006 Kansas House Panel Amends CCW Bill: In an attempt to create a veto-proof CCW bill, a House committee amended the CCW bill to ban carry in libraries and places of worship. --- Ohio Governor Promise Veto Of CCW Reform: Governor Taft has restated his intent to veto HB 347, the bill to reform Ohio's CCW law, because it still contains the provision to eliminate the requirement that firearms be carried openly in vehicles. --- Maryland Legislators Debate Medley Of Firearm Bills: While most bills would further infringe the RKBA, one would make it easier for women to obtain carry permits and another would provide for recognition of out-of-state permits. --- Louisiana Man Fights Open-Carry Arrest: A Louisiana man is contemplating a lawsuit against the Gonzales Police Department after he was arrested for carrying a handgun openly, an action which, he explained to officers, is not prohibited in Louisiana. --- Prohibitionist Profiled: The Boston Globe profiles Robert Ricker, a former NRA attorney and lobbyist turned firearm prohibitionist, allegedly because the NRA fails to distinguish handguns from hunting rifles. --- Never "Shoot" Anything You Don't Intend To Shoot: A Michigan police firearms instructor is recovering from a gunshot wound to his foot after handing his handgun to a fellow officer and asking him to shoot him with it. When the second officer fired the gun, he believed it would shoot "simunition," officials said. (Simunition training must be conducted in very rigorous, sterile conditions to avoid this sort of incident.) --- Interesting Incident: A Hattiesburg MS police officer fatally shot a suspect after the suspect had held him at gunpoint with a pistol to the officer's head and had removed the magazine from the officer's pistol. (Don't give up. Consider whether you really want a pistol with a magazine-disconnect safety - it can be a two-edged sword.) --- Canadian Firearm Registry Vulnerable To Hacking: A former webmaster for the Canadian Firearms Centre says he could "easily" hack a path right through the feds' online firearms registration service, and into the private files of Canadian gun owners. (Illegal access to records of ammuniton sales is suspected in the rash of firearm thefts in the Toronto area.) --- From GOA: Congressional Gun Rights Champion Triumphs In This Week's Primary -- Now faces serious challenge in upcoming general election Gun Owners of America Political Victory Fund E-Mail Alert 8001 Forbes Pl Suite 102 Springfield VA 22151 703-321-8585 March 9, 2006 Dear Friend of the Second Amendment, Great news for gun owners! Pro-gun Rep. Tom DeLay (R-TX) handily beat back his opposition in Tuesday's Republican primary, winning with 62% of the vote. Rep. DeLay's greatest challenge lies ahead, however, as he faces a former congressman in the November election. His opponent, Nick Lampson, has already raised nearly $2 million, and you can be sure that anti-gun extremists will pour millions more into the race. That is why gun owners from across the country must unite behind Tom DeLay, one of the staunchest defenders of the Second Amendment ever to serve in the United States Congress. Tom has consistently demonstrated his personal commitment to protecting your gun rights. A lunatic shot his way into DeLay's Majority Whip office in 1998, killing two police officers. Many Congressmen of both parties would have seized this opportunity to demagogue against your right to own firearms. Not Tom DeLay. After the Columbine school shootings in 1999, Bill Clinton demanded Congress pass more gun control. Not Tom DeLay. Tom DeLay worked with Gun Owners of America and its members to ensure that no new laws were passed to punish lawful gun owners because of the irresponsible actions of the two Columbine teenagers. When the Clinton ban on semi-automatic firearms was due to sunset in 2004, the anti-gun lobby fought for its extension, as did the New York Times and the Washington Post. Not Tom DeLay. Rep. DeLay worked tirelessly -- even against other influential members of the House -- to guarantee that the gun ban would expire. Much of Tom DeLay's critical pro-Second Amendment efforts take place behind the scenes, as he quietly ensures that Congress does not trample upon gun owners' rights. On issues such as arming commercial airline pilots, protecting the gun industry from frivolous lawsuits, and protecting the First Amendment rights of groups like GOA, Rep. DeLay is tenacious in his support. The Congressman's critical pro-Second Amendment efforts have made him the number one target of the enemies of the Second Amendment. As a United States Congressman, he has unfailingly stood up for you and me. Now it is time for us to stand up for Tom DeLay. I urge you to do all you can to support Tom's candidacy. Your contribution of $25, $50, $100 or the legal maximum of $2,100 will go completely and directly to Tom's reelection effort. You can visit Tom at to contribute online. Or, please print out the form below and mail a check directly to the campaign at: Tom DeLay Congressional Committee 7002 Riverbrook Drive, Suite 200 Sugar Land, TX 77479-9909 The liberal, anti-gun attack machine knows how effective Tom has been over the years, and will stop at nothing to see him defeated. We must do all we can to ensure his success, because a victory for Tom DeLay is a victory for us all. Sincerely, Tim Macy Vice-Chairman of the Board Political Director --------------------------------------------------------------------- Tom DeLay Congressional Committee Contribution Form Tom, thank you for your efforts to protect the Second Amendment. You have always stood up for my right to keep and bear arms and now I'm proud to stand with you in this campaign. Please accept my contribution of: ______________. ______________________________________________________________________ Full Name Spouse Name (if joint contribution) _____________________________________________________________________ Address _____________________________________________________________________ City / State / Zip Code _____________________________________________________________________ Phone _____________________________________________________________________ Fax / Email Address Please make check payable to: Tom DeLay Congressional Committee 7002 Riverbrook Drive, Suite 200 Sugar Land, TX 77479 Please charge $____________ to my credit card: American Express #____________________________________; Expires_____ MasterCard #__________________________________________; Expires_____ Visa #________________________________________________; Expires_____ Signature __________________________________________________________ Contributions to Tom DeLay Congressional Committee are not deductible as charitable contributions for federal income tax purposes. Federal law allows individual contributions of $2,100 per election (4,200 per election cycle). Federal law requires us to use our best efforts to collect and report the name, mailing address, occupation and employer of each individual whose contributions exceed $200 in an election cycle. ____________________________________________________________________ Occupation Employer **************************** Paid for by Gun Owners of America Political Victory Fund. Not authorized by any candidate or candidate's committee. Gun Owners of America Political Victory Fund is a Project of Gun Owners of America. **************************** Bill To Ban Gun Confiscations Advancing! -- Your help needed in the House Gun Owners of America E-Mail Alert 8001 Forbes Place, Suite 102, Springfield, VA 22151 Phone: 703-321-8585 / FAX: 703-321-8408 Thursday, March 9, 2006 Great News! Last month we alerted you to SB 1425, a bill that would change state law to prohibit the confiscation of firearms and ammunition in your home or business during a state of emergency. That bill, introduced by Sen. Dean Martin (R-Dist. 6), has passed out of the state senate by an overwhelming vote of 25-3. SB 1425 is an extremely important piece of legislation. Sen. Martin introduced his bill following egregious examples of anti-gun misbehavior by the New Orleans police during the "state of emergency" there. This bill will insure the same thing doesn't happen in The Grand Canyon State. ACTION: Please contact your state representatives (you have two) and ask them to support SB 1425. You can use the pre-written letter below -- and your representatives' e-mail in the roster that is provided -- to help direct your comments to them. You can find out who your state representatives are (which district you are in) by using the GOA Legislative Action Center at and then typing your zip code into the Elected Officials box. After that, click on the highlighted "state" link. ----- Pre-written message ----- Dear Representative, Now that SB 1425 has passed out of the Senate, I urge you to support it in the House. This bill is extremely necessary, as it would prohibit the unlawful and unconstitutional confiscation of firearms during a "state of emergency." The bill would outlaw police misbehavior such as the outrageous conduct in New Orleans following Hurricane Katrina, which was soundly rebuked by the courts. Please work to make certain that no anti-gun amendments are allowed on this important bill. Unlike some parts of the country, we in Arizona value the right to keep and bear arms. Again, please reinforce this right by supporting SB 1425. Sincerely, ***************************************************************** Arizona House of Representatives Name District E-mail Phone (602) Mason 01 926-5874 O'Halleran 01 to' 926-4079 Tom 02 926-5862 Kirkpatrick 02 926-5160 Groe 03 926-5408 McLain 03 926-5051 Boone 04 926-3297 Burges 04 926-5861 Brown 05 926-4129 Konopnicki 05 926-5409 Gorman 06 926-4002 Carpenter 06 926-5333 Barnes 07 926-5503 Barto 07 926-5766 Reagan 08 926-5828 Rosati 08 926-5169 Murphy 09 926-3255 Stump 09 926-5413 Weiers 10 926-4173 Quelland 10 926-4639 Tully 11 926-5977 Allen 11 926-3395 Weiers 12 926-5894 Nelson 12 926-5872 Gallardo 13 926-3392 Garcia 13 926-5830 Meza 14 926-3425 Davis 14 926-5412 Sinema 15 926-5058 Lujan 15 926-5829 Taylor 16 926-5864 Miranda 16 926-4893 Knaperek 17 926-4225 Cahill 17 926-5896 Anderson 18 926-4467 Pearce 18 926-5760 Pierce 19 926-3163 Gray 19 926-5495 Robson 20 926-5549 McComish 20 926-5898 Nichols 21 926-5168 Yarbrough 21 926-5863 Biggs 22 926-4371 Farnsworth 22 926-5735 Chase 23 926-5030 Rios 23 926-5761 Aguirre 24 926-4430 Jones 24 926-5273 Alvarez 25 926-5895 Burns 25 926-5836 Hershberger 26 926-5839 Huffman 26 926-3394 Lopes 27 926-3278 Bedford 27 926-5835 Downing 28 926-5108 Bradley 28 926-3300 Lopez 29 926-4089 Prezelski 29 926-3424 Paton 30 926-3235 McClure 30 926-3312 ***************************************************************** --- From JPFO: ALERT FROM JEWS FOR THE PRESERVATION OF FIREARMS OWNERSHIP America's Aggressive Civil Rights Organization March 9, 2006 JPFO ALERT: AMERICA: FROM FREEDOM TO FASCISM Great news for freedom lovers! The Aaron Russo production _America: From Freedom to Fascism_ is screening in select communities throughout the US, giving YOU the opportunity to view it before its scheduled opening this summer. While the film focuses on the Internal Revenue Service, it pointedly establishes that we are ALL at the mercy of a runaway government. As shown in the film, the bloated, corrupt and inept IRS and Federal Reserve are the _foundation_ of what's wrong with our government. Not concerned about the IRS or the Federal Reserve system? If you're a gun owner, you should be. In manipulating our economy, these institutions permit the current police state to grow bigger and stronger. John Marshall once said, "The power to tax is the power to destroy." The IRS holds nothing BUT the power to tax...and it definitely has the power to destroy. An annual tax on firearms, for example, would necessarily create a federal firearm registry. A 1000% tax on ammunition would essentially wipe out the firearms industry. Indeed, the original 1934 National Firearms Act has proven conclusively that "mere" taxation can virtually ban entire categories of goods (think: suppressors and machine guns), at least for the majority of us. _America: From Freedom to Fascism_ does for the TRUTH what Michael Moore's _Bowling for Columbine_ did for the "big lie". Please, check the screening schedule at and make it a point to see this important film. And share it with everyone you know. By the way, before you watch the movie, you might want to read the following articles from our website to give you a fuller picture: "You'll Be Freer and Richer in a Bill of Rights Culture" "Taxing Away Our Rights" - The Liberty Crew PS: On a sad note, it is with deep regret that we must report the passing of Dr. Madeleine Cosman. A staunch supporter and contributing writer to JPFO, Dr. Cosman was a dynamic individual and passionate lover of freedom. She wrote with fervor, bringing the ideals of a better, freer America to the world. As one of our colleagues said upon hearing the news, "She was a real firebrand for the cause." Dr. Cosman will be greatly missed. ============================================================ JPFO mirror site: ============================================================ LET JPFO KEEP YOU INFORMED -- Sign up today for JPFO Alerts! Just send a blank e-mail to To unsubscribe, send a blank email to ============================================================= Regain your freedom - download the song "Justice Day" today! ============================================================= Original Material in JPFO ALERTS is Copyright 2006 JPFO, Inc. Permission is granted to reproduce this alert in full, so long as the following JPFO contact information is included: Jews for the Preservation of Firearms Ownership PO Box 270143 Hartford, Wisconsin 53027 Phone: 1-262-673-9745 Order line: 1-800-869-1884 (toll-free!) Fax: 1-262-673-9746 Web: ============================================================= In our previous alert ( ) we failed to note that you can view the trailer for _America: From Freedom to Fascism_ at . We apologize for any inconvenience. - The Liberty Crew -- Stephen P. Wenger Firearm safety - It's a matter for education, not legislation. .