No virus found in this outgoing message. Checked by AVG Free Edition. Version: 7.1.385 / Virus Database: 268.4.4/320 - Release Date: 4/20/2006 New Orleans Has Returned 17 Confiscated Firearms: By the end of the second session in which gun owners could claim their firearms, NOPD had returned 17 of the 700 firearms confiscated in the aftermath of Hurricane Katrina. Percy Taplet, 73, said the National Guard and state police confiscated his shotgun when they arrived to tell him to leave his house. When he tried to get his gun back this week, police told him he would have to contact state police. --- Senate Vote Could Disarm Americans: An editorial in an Arizona paper points out the the wrong election could give the US Senate the votes to sign onto the UN civilian disarmament program. --- Virginia Assembly Fails To Override Vetoes: Among the bills vetoed by the governor was one that would have allowed unlicensed carry of loaded firearms in locked containers or compartments in vehicles. --- Gun-Friendly Official In DC: A student at Catholic University calls for support for Sandra Seegars, DC's taxi commissioner, and the election of more like-minded officials. (Seegars has called for arming the District's cab drivers.) --- Lincoln NE Mayor Seeks CCW Ban: The mayor of Lincoln NE has vowed to take advantage of a seeming loophole in the state's recently enacted CCW law and maintain a ban on CCW in that city. --- A Glimpse At Washington's Dirty Dozen: The head of Washington CeaseFire, an organization seeking the erosion of the RKBA in that state, admits that his organization consists of a dozen volunteers. --- Possible Plea Deal In Controversial Shooting: The illegal immigrant who sparked a shooting incident with an Arizona firearms instructor and former city council candidate, may be allowed to plead guilty to giving false information to police. --- Restrictive Gun Laws Push People Out Of Big Cities: The Census Bureau has reported what amounts to a "domestic migration" from three large cities in three key states, and the Second Amendment Foundation (SAF) blames much of this population flight on repressive gun laws. (This mailing comes to you from Show Low AZ, from a former resident of Los Angeles County CA.) --- From GOA: Bill Banning Gun Confiscations Vetoed By The Governor! -- Your help is desperately needed to spread the word & force an override attempt Gun Owners of America E-Mail Alert 8001 Forbes Place, Suite 102, Springfield, VA 22151 Phone: 703-321-8585 / FAX: 703-321-8408 Thursday, April 20, 2006 It's not surprising really. The emergency powers reform bill that we have been alerting you to hit a bump in the road earlier this week when it landed on the desk of anti-gun Gov. Janet Napolitano (D). SB 1425 would ban the confiscation of firearms and ammunition during a state of emergency, and prevent a repeat of what happened in New Orleans this past September, when police officials stole the firearms of law-abiding residents. (You can view this disgusting footage at on the GOA website.) This common sense legislation overwhelmingly passed the Arizona House and Senate, but Gov. Napolitano showed her true colors by vetoing it. The bill now goes back to both houses for an override attempt. The author of this bill -- pro-gun Sen. Dean Martin (Dist. 6) - told Gun Owners of America yesterday that the override vote, if it occurs, will most likely begin in the Senate. He also said that Gov. Napolitano will be putting tremendous pressure on Senate Democrats to kill the bill -- especially those Democrats who voted pro-gun the first time around. The Governor only needs to peel off a few Democrats to succeed. So your help -- and the help of your pro-gun family and friends - is desperately needed! You can see how your senator voted when using the roster below to take the requested action. ACTION: 1. Please contact your state senator and ask him to support SB 1425 by voting to override the Governor's veto. You can use the pre-written letter below -- and the contact info provided -- to help direct your comments to him. You can find out who your state senator is by plugging in your address at on the legislature's website. 2. Take action and then please forward this alert to your pro-gun friends and family! ----- Pre-written message ----- Dear Senator, Although I was disappointed to see that Gov. Napolitano vetoed SB 1425, I was not entirely surprised. Her anti-rights record is no secret when it comes to her views on the Second Amendment. Regardless, the House and Senate have the power to override her veto, and so I would strongly request that you ask the Senate leadership to call for such a vote. This bill is extremely necessary, as it would prohibit the unlawful and unconstitutional confiscation of firearms during a "state of emergency." The bill would outlaw police misbehavior such as the outrageous conduct in New Orleans following Hurricane Katrina, which was soundly rebuked by the courts. Again, please reinforce the Second Amendment rights of all Arizonans by voting to override the veto of SB 1425. Gun Owners of America will keep me informed as to the progress of this bill, and as to how individual legislators vote. Thank you. Sincerely, ***************************************************************** Arizona Senate * voted AGAINST SB 1425 and your gun rights ** did not vote Name Dis E-mail Phone (602) Fax (602) Bennett 01 926-5584 926-3429 Hale * 02 926-4323 417-3160 Gould 03 926-4138 417-3165 Harper 04 926-4178 417-3154 Flake 05 926-5219 417-3223 Martin 06 926-5284 417-3163 Waring 07 926-4916 417-3150 Allen 08 926-4480 417-3155 Burns 09 926-5993 417-3225 Gray 10 926-3376 417-3253 Leff 11 926-4486 417-3170 Blendu 12 926-5955 417-3168 Miranda * 13 926-5911 417-3171 Brotherton * 14 926-4485 926-3429 Cheuvront 15 926-5325 417-3149 Aguirre ** 16 926-3830 417-3145 Ableser 17 926-4124 417-3164 Johnson 18 926-3160 417-3151 Gray 19 926-5288 417-3161 Huppenthal 20 926-5261 417-3157 Tibshraeny 21 926-4481 417-3152 Verschoor 22 926-4136 417-3222 Rios 23 926-5685 417-3167 Cannell 24 926-4139 417-3156 Arzberger 25 926-4321 417-3146 Hellon 26 926-4326 417-3159 Garcia 27 926-4171 417-3162 Aboud 28 926-5262 417-3166 Soltero ** 29 926-5342 417-3169 Bee 30 926-5683 417-3147 ***************************************************************** --- From NRA-ILA: Arizona Self-Defense Legislation Needs Your Help! Senate Bill 1145, the "Castle Doctrine" legislation sponsored by Senator Timothy Bee (D-30) and Representative Jonathan Paton (R-30), was sent to the Governor yesterday, April 19, after the Senate passed it overwhelmingly by a vote of 26-1. This bill, with the critical change to the burden of proof in self-defense cases, is the most important self-defense legislation to pass in Arizona since the Right to Carry was adopted in 1994. Senate Bill 1145 has two components. One is Castle Doctrine, which presumes you are justified in the use of force if you believe you are in danger of serious bodily harm or death within your home or occupied vehicle. The second and most significant component is the return of the burden of proof in self-defense cases to the state, so law-abiding citizens who are forced to actually use their firearms or other means of protection for self-defense will not be wrongfully imprisoned or financially devastated by costs associated with their legal defense. When the prosecutors lobbied to change the century-old law in 1997, Arizona became one of only two states in the country that places the burden of proof in self-defense cases on the individual citizen (Ohio is the other). In effect, citizens who are forced by an attacker to act in self-defense are presumed guilty until they prove their own innocence in court by a preponderance of the evidence. This is contrary to the basic foundation of the American justice system -- a person is innocent until proven guilty beyond a reasonable doubt. Governor Janet Napolitano (D) must hear from you today! Please contact her and respectfully request that she sign SB 1145 into law as soon as possible. It has an emergency effective date and will become law upon her signature. You can call her toll-free at (800) 253-0883 or locally at (602) 542-1381. Her email address is Take action today and help ensure that Arizonans who must defend their lives against criminals will no longer be treated as criminals. Please keep checking your email for updates or the "action alerts" feature at found at -- Stephen P. Wenger Firearm safety - It's a matter for education, not legislation. .