No virus found in this outgoing message. Checked by AVG Free Edition. Version: 7.1.392 / Virus Database: 268.5.4/332 - Release Date: 5/4/2006 Minnesota Stand-Your-Ground Bill Expected Next Year: Judges in Minnesota have long recognized a right to self-defense, particularly in defending one's home. Two legislators say they want to incorporate that recognition into state law and further reaffirm that it includes the same protections for anyplace that citizens have a right to be. --- TSA Watch List Ensnares Government Officials: Article discusses the problems of people, including government officials and servicemen with high-level security clearances, have as a result of mistaken listing on terrorism "watch lists." Yet, prohibitionists in Congress want to block firearm sales to people on such lists.,70783-0.html?tw=wn_story_page_prev2 --- California Man Cleared In Self-Defense Shooting: A Healdsburg man has learned that the district attorney's office has ruled that his fatal shooting of a man who took the shooter's wife hostage at gunpoint was justifiable. Assistant district attorney Larry Scoufos decided Tuesday that it didn't matter that the intruder's weapon turned out to be a pellet pistol. --- Oops, Wrong Neighbor: Three armed men, fleeing a home they had just invaded, made the mistake of opening fire on a neighbor who had been summoned for help. One of the robbers is dead, one is in custody and the third is being sought. --- Good Thing She Had The Dogs: An Arizona woman who received a visit from a rabid mountain lion says, "I made a leap for where I usually keep a rifle. Unfortunately, I had just removed all my firearms to a secure, locked area in anticipation of some friends coming to visit with their child that next weekend, and my rifle wasn't there." --- What Caliber Is That Finger?: Police in Mesa AZ have tentatively identified the shooter in the road-rage death of a motorist on a freeway back in December. (Note that the shooting occurred after the dead driver"Flipped the bird" at the occupants of another vehicle.) --- Girl Scout Shooting Program: Girl Scout leaders in a town in Michigan decided to emulate a Boy Scout program and have been introducing the girls to sporting clays. --- Canada's Conservatives To Disable Firearm Registry: Sources say the federal government will announce a one year amnesty for gun owners who fail to register a firearm, or if they let their license expire. The government will waive the payment of any fees and it will refund the fees paid by gun owners in recent months. Until the registry is eliminated, responsibility for it will move from the public safety minister, to the RCMP. --- Canada's Conservatives To Get Tough On Crime: Canada's minority Conservative government will attempt to revise the nation's criminal-justice with a set of measures to put more people in jail and keep them there longer if they commit drug, gang, or gun crimes or reoffend while on parole. -- Stephen P. Wenger Firearm safety - It's a matter for education, not legislation. .