No virus found in this outgoing message. Checked by AVG Free Edition. Version: 7.1.392 / Virus Database: 268.5.5/334 - Release Date: 5/8/2006 Delaware Shall-Issue Bill Threatened By Amendments: Opponents of a bill that would make it easier for Delaware residents to get permits to carry concealed weapons are trying to kill the proposal by weighing it down with amendments, supporters say. --- North Carolina House Seeks To Muzzle RKBA Activists: Legislation would require volunteer acitivists to submit to the same restrictions as paid lobbyists. --- California CCW Forum: A forum has been established to develop more pressure for CWP issuance at the local level in all of California's 58 counties. --- Florida CCW-Privacy Bill Goes To Governor: The legislature has voted to keep secret the personal information on concealed weapons permits or applications. Gov. Jeb Bush still must sign the bill. --- Brady Bunch Hires Another Loser: SAF founder Alan M. Gottlieb noted that the recent announcement by the Brady Campaign to Prevent Gun Violence that former anti-gun Fort Wayne, Indiana Mayor Paul Helmke has been named to succeed Michael D. Barnes as president of the organization is not surprising. --- Violent Crime Not Caused By Law-Abiding Gun Owners: Dave Workman takes on Washington CeaseFire and its shill, Seattle mayor Greg Nickels. --- Longenecker vs. Brady Bunch: John Longenecker continues his commentary on the stand-your-ground movement, taking on Sarah Brady and her associates over their claims that stand-your-ground legislation lets people get away with murder. --- Oops, Wrong Home: Two men, armed with a knife and a pellet pistol, forced their way into a Houston home. One failed to leave, having died of a gunshot fired by the woman homeowner. (Note how much easier a time she would have had if she had been wearing her handgun.) --- Insight From Death Of DEA Agent: Article on the trial of the remaining killer in the 1994 death of a DEA agent includes, "Fass' trigger finger was blown off with the first shot, destroying his gun and rendering him defenseless." This is one of the reasons that some of us carry more than one gun and carry at least one accessible to each hand. --- Rule Four Reminder: A soldier stationed at Fort Hood has pled guilty in New York to second-degree manslaughter, in the death of a woman who died from a bullet he fired into the air last December. (Rule Four: Always be sure of your target and what's beyond it. Many of my students will recall frequent admonitions about not letting the muzzles of their handguns point upward.) --- One More Lead Oscar: An auto-theft suspect in Denver is dead from police gunfire after he pointed a replica pistol at officers.,1299,DRMN_15_4682016,00.html --- Cincinnati PD Buys S&W M&P-9's: Ohio's Cincinnati Police Department appears to be the first major department to purchase S&W's newly released 9mm M&P pistol. (Lest I be misunderstood, my advice is to wait at least one year for debugging before purchasing any new model of firearm.) --- Arizona 4-H Shooting Program: Article presents a friendly view of the experience of youngsters in the program and refers to the conflict with the regents of the state universities about its continued operation. --- Brits Amazed - Bruce Willis Supports RKBA: Brief blurb from British website quotes actor, "If you take guns away from legal gun owners then the only people who would have guns would be the bad guys." --- Crime Drives Joan Collins From London To NYC: New York City used to play host to muggers and murderers. Thankfully, some law and order has been restored in recent years. London now hosts the crime cauldron. One reason: it's illegal to defend yourself vigorously against assailants. If a home invader crashes into your flat, you face two dangers: first from the home invader; second from the government. --- Female Australian Journalist Describes Shooting Experience: A reporter for the Pacific edition of Time magazine acquires a healthy view of firearms and marksmanship after joining Sydney's Royal Australian Naval Reserve Rifle Club.,13673,503060515-1191889,00.html --- ALERT FROM JEWS FOR THE PRESERVATION OF FIREARMS OWNERSHIP America's Aggressive Civil Rights Organization May 8, 2006 JPFO ALERT: Experiences with BATFE -- An Update Is there institutional anti-Semitism at the BATFE? Does the NRA and the BATFE have a symbiotic relationship? And is the recently-sunsetted Assault Weapons Ban being quietly -- and unconstitutionally -- reinstituted through "back door" methods, and if so, why? Last November, Talkin' to America interviewed Len Savage, firearms designer, president of Historic Arms LLC, expert witness for firearms issues, and dedicated freedom fighter for the Second Amendment ( ). Mr. Savage has been instrumental in JPFO's "Boot the BATFE" campaign ( ) and has made some powerful enemies at the BATFE and the Justice Department in the process. Now Talkin' to America has interviewed Len again. Download the interview at or read the transcript at as Len updates us on his continuing interactions with the BATFE. Learn about the latest arbitrary and capricious activities of this rogue agency, and draw your own conclusions as to what those activities portend for the future of firearms ownership in America. Please, you MUST forward this information to every American you know, gun owner or not. Then visit our "Boot the BATFE" campaign at . This is no longer "merely" a Second Amendment issue. The BATFE is shredding the US Constitution, blurring the line between government branches, and nullifying the checks and balances that prevent a government from becoming a tyrannical police state. Your "friends" in Congress applaud this effort, which makes them less accountable. ALL of our rights are on the line, so act TODAY! - The Liberty Crew ATF Reconsideration Letters: Stucko Letter ("Do as we say, not as we do") [Part I] [Part II] ============================================================ JPFO mirror site: ============================================================ LET JPFO KEEP YOU INFORMED -- Sign up today for JPFO Alerts! Just send a blank e-mail to To unsubscribe, send a blank email to ============================================================= Regain your freedom - download the song "Justice Day" today! ============================================================= Original Material in JPFO ALERTS is Copyright 2006 JPFO, Inc. Permission is granted to reproduce this alert in full, so long as the following JPFO contact information is included: Jews for the Preservation of Firearms Ownership PO Box 270143 Hartford, Wisconsin 53027 Phone: 1-262-673-9745 Order line: 1-800-869-1884 (toll-free!) Fax: 1-262-673-9746 Web: ============================================================= -- Stephen P. Wenger Firearm safety - It's a matter for education, not legislation. .