No virus found in this outgoing message. Checked by AVG Free Edition. Version: 7.1.394 / Virus Database: 268.8.3/359 - Release Date: 6/8/2006 Florida CWFL Info Will Be Confidential: Governor Bush has signed legislation to make the records of Florida Concealed Weapon And Firearm Licenses confidential. (An unintended consequence of this law may be the collapse of the CCW-badge industry, which has routinely been mailing its advertising to Florida licensees.) Bush Signs Six Pro-RKBA Bills:,0,7042500.story?coll=sfla-news-florida --- Springfield MA Mayor Joins Big-City Buddies: The mayor of Springfield MA has announced that he is joining with the mayors of NYC and Boston in "Mayors Against Illegal Guns." (Springfield happens to be the home of Smith & Wesson.) --- More On Gun-Coloring Kits: ABC News reports on the gun-coloring kits being targeted by NYC's Mayor Bloomberg. Company Owner Speaks: --- SAF vs. Bloomberg: After police in New York were compelled this week to return hundreds of firearms seized in a crackdown on so-called "rogue" gun dealers, it is now clear that Mayor Michael Bloomberg is far more interested in harassing law-abiding gun dealers than he is in fighting genuine crime, the Second Amendment Foundation (SAF) said today. --- BATFE Raids KT Ordnance: KT Ordnance, manufacturer of incomplete (80%-finished) frames, was raided for the alleged "illegal manufacture of firearms." KT Ordnance has been a great asset to those who wish to purchase unfinished receivers with which to anonymously manufacture their own firearms -- a perfectly legal process, according to the BATFE. --- Appeals Court Rules Against Fish In Trail-Shooting Case: A state court on Thursday turned away an appeal asking that a new state self-defense law be applied retroactively in a man's trial for killing another man during a confrontation on a northern Arizona hiking trail. However, one of Fish's attorneys said after the Court of Appeals panel acted Thursday that he would ask the Arizona Supreme Court to take the case and keep the trial on hold until the retroactivity issue is decided. --- British Libertarian Call For Return To RKBA: "I am talking about the right to arm ourselves with guns - and to use these where necessary to protect our lives and property...Anyone who is denied this right - to keep and bear arms - is to some extent enslaved." --- Firearm Amendment Bill Tabled In South Africa: The long awaited Firearm Control Amendment Bill has been tabled in parliament despite strong opposition. Among other amendments, the bill seeks to extend the period of licences held by those dealing in firearms. It has also taken a more lenient approach to firearm collectors, no longer limiting their stock. -- Stephen P. Wenger Firearm safety - It's a matter for education, not legislation. .