No virus found in this outgoing message. Checked by AVG Free Edition. Version: 7.1.394 / Virus Database: 268.9.2/373 - Release Date: 6/22/2006 Omaha Will Maintain CCW Ban: Due to an apparent loophole in Nebraska's recent law that created licensed CCW in that state, Omaha will maintain its local ban on CCW and Lincoln will probably enact a similar ordinance. --- Chicago "Gang Book" Attacks RKBA: The Citizens Committee for the Right to Keep and Bear Arms (CCRKBA) today accused the Chicago Crime Commission of exploiting the activities of drug gangs to attack gun rights. --- NYC Proposes Four More Infringements Of RKBA: Proposed ordinances would create a registry of people convicted of weapon possession, mandate more frequent inventories by dealers, limit licensed handgun purchases to four per year and outlaw painting a real firearm to resemble a toy one. --- Ohio CCW Reform Languishes In State Senate: The Ohio Senate is not expected to act on HB 347, the bill to clean up that state's concealed-carry law, until after the November elections. --- What About The Criminals?: Over 6,000 firearms that allowed themselves to be misused and confiscated by officials in Los Angeles County were put to death in an annual ceremony. The high-nickel and high-chromium steel of their remains will find its way into reinforcing bars for construction use. --- Arizona Supremes To Rule On Self-Defense Law: It appears that the Arizona Supreme Court will rule whether a recently enacted law that expands the rights of citizens who use force in self-defense will apply retroactively. --- NRA Blamed For Killing Arizona Ballot Initiative: Arizonans won't get to vote on restricting the governor's ability to seize weapons in time of emergency because of last-minute opposition from an unusual source: the National Rifle Association. --- NRA Form Letters Swamp UN: The United Nations is feeling the effects of the letter-writing campaign organized by the NRA in response to the upcoming Small Arms Review Conference, which seeks to impose standards on the manufacture, sale and possession of firearms. --- Bright Bulb Award?: A male stripper encountered problems at two New York airports when X-rays revealed a disabled starter pistol, which he uses as a prop in his routine, in his luggage. --- Tangentially Related: Article exposes Britain's soft-on-crime judicial system and brings attention to a forthcoming film that appears to be the British version of Death Wish. --- Note To Arizonans: This year's legislative session finally adjourned on June 22. This means that almost all of the newly enacted legislation should take effect on or about September 20. (SB 1145, the stand-your-ground bill, which also returns the burden of proof to the state when self-defense is claimed, is already in effect because it contained an emergency provision.) -- Stephen P. Wenger Firearm safety - It's a matter for education, not legislation. .