No virus found in this outgoing message. Checked by AVG Free Edition. Version: 7.1.405 / Virus Database: 268.12.2/442 - Release Date: 9/8/2006 Utah Supremes Rule In Favor Of Campus Carry: The state Supreme Court ruled Friday that the University of Utah has no right to ban guns on campus, rejecting the argument that prohibiting firearms is part of the school's power to control academic affairs. --- Starting Date Of Trial Could Be Crucial In Arizona Case: An Arizona appeals court recently ruled that a new state law more sympathetic to self-defense is retroactive "to pending cases that had not gone to trial." Initially, this appeared to suggest that Hal Fish, the retired teacher convicted of shooting a man who attacked him on a hiking trail, might get a new trial. However, Fish's trial began four days before the bill became law. --- Ohio Gubernatorial Candidates Both Claim To Support RKBA: It's difficult to see much difference in the answers to questions from the Dayton Daily News but the Democratic candidate has a notorious prohibitionist as a running mate. --- Bloomberg Appeals To CBC: NYC's Mayor Bloomberg and some of his cronies addressed the Congressional Black Caucus, seeking support for their program of firearm prohibition. --- Michigan Town Refines Shooting Ban: Officials say they are considering a move allowing residents to shoot guns on properties larger than 10 acres in areas zoned rural, and on residential properties of a certain size - not yet determined - by obtaining a special use permit. Shooting in any area would be permitted only on shooting ranges designed to specifications set by the National Rifle Association. --- Rule Three Reminder: A New Hampshire man has been charged with felony reckless conduct for firing a round into a ceiling tile in a Wal-Mart store while using the restroom. It appears that he held his Glock pistol in his hand because he was carrying it without a holster. (Rule Three: Keep your finger out of the trigger guar --- One Picture Is Worth 10,000 Words: Rarely does one get such a perfect visual description of the meaning of a "squib load" as this photograph. (A squib occurs when there is not sufficient powder in the cartridge to drive the bullet out the barrel. An alert shooter will recognize the muffled sound and relative lack of recoil.) --- Bid To Keep Winchester In New Haven Fails: The City of New Haven has announced that efforts to keep Winchester production in New Haven had failed. A key asset of the plant - the license to use the Winchester name - was sold to a Utah-based firm that may make the guns in Portugal or Russia. --- "Buy" Rating For S&W Stock: A California investment firm yesterday upgraded its earnings expectations for Smith & Wesson Holding Corp. and said its shares could trade from 20 to 40 percent above current levels. (It would appear that the stock market is not concerned with the drop in quality of S&W revolvers.) --- Armed Citizens Capture Jail Escapee: An alert Montana rancher and a friend captured on of two escapees from the local county detention facility. The man was being held on charges of assault, kidnapping, burglary and felony sexual assault on a minor. --- Oops, Wrong House: A man was shot and killed Thursday after a San Antonio homeowner awoke to noise by his front door and found the man inside his house, opening the door for another person, police said. The house had been burglarized earlier that day. --- Oops, Wrong Victim: A man in Harlem made the mistake of mugging a woman who greeted him from her motorized wheelchair. She just happened to be carrying her licensed .357 Magnum revolver to a shooting range. (NYC restricts most pistol permits to licensed premises or for target use. I suspect that sympathetic cops may have been a bit creative in their report.) --- Not Exactly A Gunfight: A 51-year-old Oregon nurse returned from work to find a hammer-armed intruder in her home. The 260-pound woman choked the 180-pound man to death with her hands. The case is not expected to go to the grand jury. --- Realtor Safety Month: Article lists numerous killings of real-estate agents and queries why an annual seminar on self-defense only counsels the use of pepper spray and a few unarmed techniques. --- Thai Navy Trains Teachers To Shoot Back: Teachers have one of the deadliest jobs in southern Thailand, with 44 killed by the bombs and bullets of an Islamic insurgency since 2004. So the teachers are learning how to shoot back. (Why aren't we doing this in the US?) -- Stephen P. Wenger Firearm safety - It's a matter for education, not legislation. .