No virus found in this outgoing message. Checked by AVG Free Edition. Version: 7.1.405 / Virus Database: 268.12.8/455 - Release Date: 9/22/2006 New Yorkers Rally For "Illegal" Guns: "Tens of thousands of New Yorkers actually own guns which are not registered and are therefore so-called illegal. But these people are not criminals, nor are they violent, they are respectable, responsible citizens and residents who want a dependable way to protect themselves and their loved ones," --- Critics Question Value Of Bloomberg Gun Campaign: As Mayor Mike heads off to lobby against the RKBA in Pennsylvania, some academicians question the value of his high-profile efforts in decreasing violent crime. --- Philadelphia Prohibitionists Rally In State Capital: As Pennsylvania's legislature conducts a "straw poll" session about crime and firearms, activists from Philadelphia rally to demand limiting hand guns sales to one a month, banning military assault type weapons, and requiring owners of guns that are lost or stolen to report them within 24 hours. Special Session Not Likely To Produce New Laws: "I think until the composition of the Legislature changes you're not going to get the kind of gun control legislation that those who live in urban centers think is necessary," said Jon Delano, a political analyst at Carnegie Mellon University. --- John Lott On Philadelphia Crime Rate: "...So why are Philadelphia's crime rates increasing so dramatically? To put it bluntly, the city isn't doing a very good job at law enforcement. While the arrest rate for violent crimes such as murder has fallen across the state, arrest rates have plummeted in Philadelphia..." --- When California Talks, New Jersey Listens: Two years of attempts to mandate "microstamping" of primers on spent cases in California have drawn the attention of law-enforcement executives in New Jersey. --- VCDL Fights Library Gun Ban: The Virginia Citizens Defense League last week informed the Newport News City Council that a firearm ban in the city's libraries breaks Virginia Code 15.2-915, which prevents cities or its agencies from making rules on carrying guns in public places.,0,6756907.story?coll=dp-news-local-final --- California Cops Cautions About Toy Guns: An officer in rural northern California discusses the risks of children misusing realistic toy firearms. --- Oops, Wrong Store: A Florida woman who had never fired a gun before fired two rounds from one to drive off a robber who threatened her husband with a handgun in their grocery store. --- Michigan Sheriff To Sell Vintage AR-15's: The Lapeer County sheriff is selling off his stock of aging military-style automatic rifles to raise money for new weapons and body armor for his deputies. Collectors prize the decades-old AR-15s, which can bring $12,000 to $18,000 apiece. --- Jeff Cooper Dies At 86: World-renowned firearms expert Jeff Cooper, founder of the Gunsite firearms training center in Paulden AZ, died Monday afternoon at his home near the training center. -- Stephen P. Wenger Firearm safety - It's a matter for education, not legislation. .