No virus found in this outgoing message. Checked by AVG Free Edition. Version: 7.1.407 / Virus Database: 268.13.0/465 - Release Date: 10/6/2006 Gun-Free Schools Zones Kill Kids: Alan Gottlieb and Dave Workman compare the recent school shootings with the one in Pearl MS in 1997. In that rarely publicized case, the school's vice principal retrieved a handgun from his vehicle and prevented the shooter from moving on to another school up the road. --- Texans Comment On Proposed Wisconsin Law: "I'm sure you'll understand, Mrs. Smith, that in order to preserve all of our freedoms I have to send little Johnny to class as a sitting duck. I realize there was just a massacre at a school in Pennsylvania, but that is a risk we have to take. Armed teachers will destroy our freedom." --- "Where Do Dangerous Individuals Get Their Guns?": Whenever a school shooting occurs, as in the Pennsylvania Amish country this week, or in Colorado and Wisconsin last month, or in Vermont and North Carolina the month before, we understandably seek answers - to the wrong question. The press and the public focus on motive - what would possess a milk truck driver or drifter or teenager to kill - when we should be asking, "Where do dangerous individuals get their guns?" --- David Kopel On Arming Teachers: David Kopel posts a short version of his argument why arming teachers and school administrators will be more effective in dealing with attacks on schoolchildren than will any further restrictions on the RKBA. --- Rosie's Softheaded Scenario: Investor's Business Daily challenges political scientist Rosie O'Donnell's response to the shootings of the Amish schoolgirls. --- NSSF Challenges Bloomberg Coalition: Without bothering to challenge the verbiage of "illegal guns," NSSF has called a recent Bloomberg-Merino press conference political grandstanding and challenged the coalition members to engage in a constructive dialogue with the firearms industry "to advance the goal shared by all Americans of reducing the criminal acquisition and misuse of firearms." Expanded Version: The Press Conference: "... We are Republicans, we are Democrats and we are independent," Bloomberg said. --- Brady Bunch President Lauds Lautenberg Amendment: "I want to offer our congratulations, and thanks, to Sen. Frank Lautenberg of New Jersey, who 10 years ago overcame the usual opposition from the gun pushers and passed legislation that prevents convicted domestic abusers from purchasing firearms..." (The Lautenberg amendment imposed a ban, that extends retroactively, on people convicted of misdemeanor offenses classified as domestic violence.) --- Thousands Mistakenly Linked To Terror Watch Lists: ...More than 30,000 fliers have asked just one agency -- the Transportation Security Administration - to have their names cleared from the lists, according to the Government Accountability Office report. (Yet, prohibitionists want to add such lists to the database used to screen purchasers of firearms.) --- DISARM Officers Seize Illegal Weapons: The arrest and seizure of Armen Sarafian, 21, was made by Los Angeles County DISARM officers and the La Verne and Claremont police departments. Among other items, the task force confiscated an AK-47 assault rifle and a Colt AR-15 rifle.,1,4676051.story?coll=la-headlines-california --- L.A. Councilman Seeks ID Of Ammo Purchasers: A Los Angeles councilman asked the LAPD and city attorney's office on Friday to study ways to identify those who purchase ammunition. The request by Councilman Jack Weiss follows a Rand Corp. report, released Thursday, that found dozens of ex-felons and others legally prohibited from buying ammunition purchased more than 10,000 rounds of bullets and shotgun shells during a two-month study period in 2004.,1,5855702.story?coll=la-headlines-california --- Police Chief Calls Airsoft Guns Dangerous: In defense of the confiscation and charges filed against a group of teens with Airsoft guns, A Nashville-area police chief cites the difficulty officers have in distinguishing realistic replicas from real firearms. Floyd is calling for definitive markings to distinguish the toys from real guns such as a brightly colored tip. (The Airsoft G19's I purchased for training purposes came with such a marking and I am under the impression that it is already required.) --- Oops, Wrong Store: A Los Angeles robber made the mistake of firing at a store clerk as he was leaving the store with the cash he had obtained at gunpoint. About 45 minutes later he stumbled into a gas station, from where he was transported to the hospital, where he died from the clerk's return gunshot. --- Concealed Weapon - Different Version: A Maryland homeowner heeded rumors and dug up a 1,500-pound howitzer, stolen from an American Legion Post 24 years ago, in his back yard. --- "Releasing Projectiles" - A Different Version: A 17-year-old Boulder High senior faces a $250 fine -- stiffer than a ticket for speeding through a school zone -- for playing Hacky Sac. His offense: "releasing projectiles" on the Pearl Street Mall. -- Muddled Opinion On Campus: An op-ed piece, from Arizona State University, on stand-your-ground laws, generally has the right idea but contains some inaccuracies and misconceptions. -- Stephen P. Wenger Firearm safety - It's a matter for education, not legislation. .