No virus found in this outgoing message. Checked by AVG Free Edition. Version: 7.1.408 / Virus Database: 268.13.2/471 - Release Date: 10/10/2006 Bush Signs Anti-Confiscation Bill: President George W. Bush signed into law the prohibition of confiscation of legal firearms from law-abiding citizens during states of emergency. This action became necessary following practices by local officials in New Orleans in the wake of Hurricane Katrina. --- RKBA Issue In Pennsylvania Race: Rendell, playing to urban Democrats, calls for more restrictions; Swann, appealing for rural votes says just enforce existing laws. --- Dave Kopel On School Violence: Dave Kopel examines several of the issues involving deadly violence in schools, including the Israeli and Utah approaches. --- Longenecker vs. Bush On School Shootings: John Longenecker says President Bush is barking up the wrong tree by convening a conference of "experts" on how to deal with shooting incidents in schools. --- GOA On Bush School-Shooting Summit: "GOA has a great opportunity to show the President and others how to stop gun violence on school grounds. Of course, it's inevitable that the gun issue is going to come up. The media is already clamoring for that..." --- The Brady Bunch Chimes In: "I'm disappointed that today's White House conference on school violence did not focus on the too easy access to guns in our society. We need to address the ease with which young people and tormented adults can access firearms to carry out these types of attacks." --- ...And So Does VPC: "The fact that guns are not on today's agenda only confirms what was already obvious: The Bush Administration is in complete denial regarding the catalytic role that guns play in school violence. How is it even possible to have a discussion about preventing school shootings without talking about guns?" --- National Association Of Realtors vs. CCW: Under the heading "Don't Carry a Firearm", I quote the 2 sentences the NAR follows up with: "We don't recommend carrying them because they could be used against you with fatal results. If confronted by a knife or gun, don't resist and give him whatever he wants and wait for the opportunity to run." --- Home-Invader Killed By Texas Teen Had Long Record: More details emerge on the people involved in a home invasion that left the intruder dead from a gunshot to the head.,1641,CCCT_811_5058140,00.html --- Rule Five Reminder: A SWAT officer in Texas had two rifles and two handguns stolen from his pickup, which was left parked in the driveway of his home overnight. (Rule Five: Maintain control of your firearm.) -- Stephen P. Wenger Firearm safety - It's a matter for education, not legislation. .