First Nebraskans Can Expect Carry Permits In About Two Weeks: Concealed handgun applications were issued for more than 60 Nebraskans during the first day under a new law Wednesday. It will be about two weeks before those first applicants can legally carry concealed weapons. The Nebraska State Patrol said it expects many more applicants. --- Maryland City Recognizes LEOSA: The Ocean City Council approved a measure on Wednesday that will allow retired police officers to carry concealed handguns. The Council acted, at the request of the police department, to accept the Law Enforcement Officers Safety Act of 2004. --- NRA To Seek Compromise Parking-Lot Storage Bill In Georgia: The Atlanta Journal Constitution "reports" that the NRA is sponsoring a bill this session that would allow employees to keep firearms in their automobiles on company parking lots. This time, to avoid provoking big corporations, the bill would exempt companies that have their parking lots secured by gates and fences. Opposition from corporations did the bill in last year. --- RAND Corporation To Review NYPD Firearms Training: Responding to the shooting death of an unarmed Queens man by police officers nearly seven weeks ago, New York City's Police Department has commissioned a six-month independent review of its firearms training, of instances in which officers have fired their guns and of the phenomenon of so-called contagious shooting, the department's top official said yesterday. --- Taking Tear Gas To A Gunfight: A robber in Tennessee, who is reported to have also been armed with a pistol, sprayed an armored-car courier with some sort of chemical spray, only to get shot and seriously wounded by the courier.,2845,MCA_25340_5256278,00.html --- A Peace-Lover Gets A Gun: So how does a peace-loving, anti-war female wind up with a Smith and Wesson .38 Special and a membership in the National Rifle Association? Partly because I'm a country-girl at heart and partly because I believe in Americans' rights to defend themselves... --- ATK Lands DHS Ammo Contract: Alliant Techsystems has received a series of contracts to supply the U.S. Department of Homeland Security (DHS) with a variety of small-caliber ammunition. (ATK is the parent company of Federal, Speer and CCI and operates the Lake City and Radford Army Ammunition Plants under government contracts.) Scottish Paper Decries Draft NRA Publication: The Scotsman Runs a brief article about the pamphlet "Freedom in Peril," including a quotation from prohibitionist Josh Sugarmann. (Readers comments tend to support the American concept of the RKBA.) -- Stephen P. Wenger Firearm safety - It's a matter for education, not legislation. .