Kansas Out-Of-State Permit Recognition Official: The latest update of the Kansas attorney general's website specifies that holders of the concealed carry permits or licenses recognized by Kansas must be residents of the states in which they are issued. (This ruling, by a new Democratic office-holder, appears to contradict the language of the actual statute.) http://www.ksag.org/Divisions/CCU/License%20Recognition.PDF --- Federal "Ballistic Imaging" Bill?: Article from Indiana raises the specter that the Democratic majority in Congress may attempt to mandate a digital database of fired cases from all firearms in the country. http://nwitimes.com/articles/2007/01/18/sports/outdoors/b53863609520b0938625726600222bef.txt --- Fixes to No-Fly List Don't Work: Article focuses on an American Airlines pilot who has been stopped about 80 times since 2003, apparently because his name and birth date nearly match those of an Irish Republican Army leader, one of at least 300,000 names on the U.S. government's watch lists. (Recall that Democratic leaders in Congress have previously proposed using such lists to block legal purchases of firearms.) http://www.washingtonpost.com/wp-dyn/content/article/2007/01/19/AR2007011901649.html --- Arizona Bill Would Criminalize Minuteman Activity: An Arizona lawmaker has introduced a bill to revise the state's statutes on organized crime and fraud by defining "domestic terrorism" in such a way that members of the Minuteman Project or similar organizations would be guilty of a felony for patrolling to detect illegal activity while armed with a firearm or other weapon. http://www.worldnetdaily.com/news/article.asp?ARTICLE_ID=53857 The Bill: http://www.azleg.gov/FormatDocument.asp?inDoc=/legtext/48leg/1r/bills/hb2286p.htm --- City Council May Ban Weapons: A small Arizona city west of Phoenix debates banning weapons at city council meetings. Absent from the article is the fact that the council cannot mandate that the candidate they dislike leave his firearm in his tow truck - under state law they must provide readily retrievable on-site storage if they implement the ban. http://www.newszap.com/articles/2007/01/19/az/west_valley/sc01.txt --- Nebraska City Bans CCW On Municipal Property: The York City Council has passed an ordinance that bans the carry of concealed handguns on municipal property. The ordinance prohibits anyone from carrying a concealed handgun into or on any "premises, building or structure that is under the control of the city," including "parks, fields, grounds and property." http://www.yorknewstimes.com/stories/011907/localnews_concealed.shtml --- Yes But...: New York Post article goes to great lengths to explain how actor Paul Sorvino's status a a sworn deputy sheriff in Pennsylvania allowed him to legally carry a handgun he recently used in an incident in Vermont. However, it fails to mention that no permit is required to carry a concealed firearm in Vermont, so long as one is not a prohibited possessor and is not doing so with malice. http://www.nypost.com/seven/01182007/news/regionalnews/gunfella_paul_a_sheriff_star_regionalnews_todd_venezia.htm --- Massachusetts Gun Club Offers Seminars For Women: Peggy Fellouris and Judy Thornhill are co-chairs of the club's newly formed women's division, and they are planning three free programs to educate women about gun safety and shooting. (Perhaps, in one of these seminars, someone will teach Peggy to keep her finger out of the trigger guard until her sights are on the target and she is prepared to fire.) http://www.southcoasttoday.com/daily/01-07/01-19-07/01living.htm --- From GOA: Congratulations! You have, once again, whupped the anti-gun zealots! As Constitution-hating senators like California's Dianne Feinstein whined and complained, the Senate -- by a narrow largely-party-line vote of 55-43 -- struck language which would have required GOA to monitor and report on its communications with its members and friends (like you). http://www.gunowners.org/a011907.htm --- From JPFO: JPFO presents its latest column in Concealed Carry Magazine. http://www.jpfo.org/ccm200701.pdf -- Stephen P. Wenger Firearm safety - It's a matter for education, not legislation. http://www.spw-duf.info .