CCRKBA On Mayors' Anti-Gun Conference: The highly-touted "summit" of an anti-gun mayors' association today in Washington, D.C. appears to be all rhetoric and no real solutions to violent crime in America, the Citizens Committee for the Right to Keep and Bear Arms said today (January 23). --- Kansas CCW Success Story: ...Two suspects were holding up the owner of the store, Dean Yee, with a handgun. A man in the store, 57-year-old Michael Mah, drew a firearm and told one of the suspects to drop his weapon before shooting the 17-year-old. Mah had a valid concealed carry permit from Oklahoma. --- Did Publication Of A List Of CHL-Holders Produce This Burglary?: An Ohio couple was the victim of an apparently well planned burglary in which unknown suspects removed a door from its hinges in order to load a safe containing about 20 firearms, ammunition and cash into a waiting vehicle. --- Costly Refresher Training To Be Introduced For Armed Pilots: Worried that pilots' handgun skills may be eroding, federal security officials are launching a refresher training program next month. Armed pilots must attend a two-day mandatory course at a training facility near Atlantic City three to five years after getting their guns...Pilots said the refresher course was a good idea but could prompt some to leave the program. --- Rule Five Reminder: A probationary deputy sheriff in Arizona was fired after his girlfriend apparently used his department-issued pistol to commit suicide, following a fight between the pair. (Rule Five: Maintain control of your firearm.) --- Police Union Settles With California City Over Range Contamination: Ending a five-year legal skirmish that pitted Huntington Beach against its police union, city officials announced Tuesday that the union and other agencies would help pay to decontaminate a portion of Huntington Beach Central Park used for a quarter-century as a firing range.,1,4763515.story?coll=la-headlines-california --- Oregon City Likely To Restrict Firearm Replicas: The Beaverton City Council appeared Monday night to support a proposed ban on replica guns in public places. Beaverton police requested the ordinance after a series of incidents in which officers drew their guns on teenagers holding what looked like real firearms. The ban is focused on airsoft guns, which shoot plastic pellets. --- Night-Vision Devices To Be Marketed Via NRA: Latest-generation night-vision devices have often been restricted for sale to government agencies. Now a California firm has signed a marketing deal with the NRA, which will include advertising in NRA magazines and an NRA Life Membership with every purchase. (No price for the NVD is quoted. If memory serves, Cameron Hopkins used to edit American Handgunner magazine.) --- From GOA: The first major anti-gun bill of the new Congress has already been introduced, and it could prove to be the most serious threat to the Second Amendment we face under the new congressional leadership. On the first full day of the new Congress, anti-gun Rep. Carolyn McCarthy introduced H.R. 297, the most massive expansion of the Brady law since it passed in 1993. --- Israel Hastens Vote On Castle-Doctrine Bill: The Knesset Committee has exempted MK Yisrael Katz's proposed law protecting those who kill intruders from the usual waiting period prior to a vote. The law would establish that someone who shoots a thief or intruder in self-defense cannot be charged with murder. -- Stephen P. Wenger Firearm safety - It's a matter for education, not legislation. .