Stand-Your-Ground Bill Stalled In Arkansas Senate Committee: A bill to remove the requirement that civilians attempt to retreat before they can use deadly force made no headway Wednesday in the Senate Judiciary Committee. Sen. Jerry Taylor, D-Pine Bluff, sponsor of Senate Bill 2, pulled the bill from consideration before a vote amid a barrage of criticism in the Senate Judiciary Committee. --- Castle-Doctrine Bill Gains Support In West Virginia: Shooting an intruder breaking into a West Virginian's home no longer would expose the homeowner to civil liability pressed by either the criminal or his family in a new Senate bill offered Wednesday. --- Kansas City To Restrict CCW: City of Manhattan officials are going to ban concealed weapons in some areas. This month Kansas began issuing Concealed Carry licenses. State law prohibits concealed weapons in some areas including state buildings, but Manhattan City Commissioners are taking those restrictions further. --- John Lott - Recent Study Flawed: John Lott points out the flaws in a much-publicized study claiming that states with the greatest numbers of guns in homes have the highest homicide rates. For starters, the study eliminated the District of Columbia... --- Prohibitionists Upset With Romney "Conversion" To RKBA: Josh Sugarmann opines that NSSF and NRA have been willing to serve as props for Mitt Romney's newfound support for the RKBA as a means to show strength and staying power in the wake of the November elections. --- Don't Mess With Texas (Tech): For the second time in less than 48 hours, a Texas Tech student is forced to put two would-be burglars on the other end of the gun barrel. But these Tech students are finished being targets and are fighting back by turning the trigger on the crooks. --- Bringing A Knife To A Gunfight: Prosecutors in Oklahoma have declined to file charges against an 81-year-old man who killed a younger man with a shotgun blast to the chest when the younger man threatened him with a knife. --- Oops, Wrong Store: One of three robbers who tricked the owners of a jewelry store into letting them in ended up on the losing end of the ensuing gunfight. His two accomplices are being sought by police. --- Stupid Cop Tricks: Not all cops are stupid but this one certainly takes the cake. His combination of gunsmithing and gun handling cost a fellow officer his career, the City of Milwaukee is paying a disability pension and a lawsuit against the city is pending. --- Stupid Security Guard Trick?: A security officer in California, who is believed to have been struck in the head by a bullet from a nearby shooting, finished his shift at work and went home before finally being hospitalized and dying.,1,2789261.story?coll=la-headlines-california --- Gunpoint Robberies Continue To Soar In Britain: The number of robberies involving firearms jumped 10% last year, including a 9% rise in street robberies at gunpoint, official figures have revealed. Home Office statistics also showed a 46% leap in residential robberies involving a firearm in 2005/06.,,-6370387,00.html --- From The Firearms Coalition: Well it's that time of year again and those of you who are Life Members or have been regular members of NRA for five or more consecutive years should have received the "Ballot Issue" of your NRA magazine this week. We are receiving a lot of requests for recommendations of who to vote for and so we respond with the following based on the principle that Change is Good. History tells us that all, or almost all of the current Board Members running will be reelected, making it highly unlikely that more than two or three new members can win and those that do are almost guaranteed to be among those nominated by the Nominating Committee. That being the case, we recommend that you "bullet vote", casting your ballot with as few as just one, but no more than three or four names marked. For a variety of reasons, we recommend you vote only for candidates you personally know and respect and one or all of the following three well qualified candidates: *_Johnny Nugent_* is highly recommended by activists in his home state of Indiana *_Curtis Jenkins_* receives similar endorsement from our friends in Georgia *_David Jones_* has been a prominent activist and leader in Missouri for many years *We are voting for only those three.* If you feel you must vote for more than just three, other candidates who are not current members of the Board include: Charles Fox Steven Schreiner Fred Edgecomb Cleta Mitchell Al Cardenas James Dark Ken Elliott Please do not vote for any of the several long-time members of the Board and celebrities that are up for reelection. Skip the old standards in favor of a few new faces. Please share this information - post it on forums, in gun shops and at ranges, e-mail it to your NRA friends. The Board of Directors is supposed to set policy and hold staff accountable for following those policies; instead the Board is being managed by the staff. Every new face elected to the Board offers the potential for a shift away from that status quo. We hope you find this helpful. Yours for the Second Amendment, The Knox Crew Neal Knox Associates The Firearms Coalition --- From AzCDL: Your activism paid off! HB 2469 passed out of the House Judiciary committee on Thursday, January 25, 2007 by a vote of 7-3 (Rep. Miranda, a Democrat, voted FOR passage). The lobbyist for the Arizona Chiefs of Police (AZCOPS), which opposed HB 2469, made it clear to the committee that law enforcement officers have instant access to concealed weapon permit information independent of whether a person has a permit in their possession. How each member voted can be found here: HB 2469 reduces the penalty for a concealed weapon permit holder failing to have their permit in their possession while carrying concealed. Under current law (ARS 13-3112.D), a person is guilty of a class 2 misdemeanor offense if they fail to present a concealed weapons permit upon the request of a law enforcement officer. The language of the current law does not clarify that a person must be a concealed weapons permit holder or in possession of a weapon or even if a weapon must be concealed. However, if they produce a legible permit that was valid at the time of the violation when they go to court, "they shall not be convicted." The proposed language in HB 2469: · Restricts the application of the law to concealed weapons permit holders. · Reduces the penalty to a petty offense. · Retains the "shall not convict" language. · Clarifies that a permit holder can only be charged if they are carrying a concealed weapon when they fail to present their permit at the request of a law enforcement officer. Please take a moment to send a message thanking the committee members who voted for HB 2469. Below is a listing of their email address in both semi-colon and comma separation formats: (semi-colon separation);;;;;; (comma separation);;;;;; As legislation progresses or is introduced, we will keep you up to date via these Alerts: These alerts are a project of the Arizona Citizens Defense League (AzCDL), an all volunteer, non-profit, non-partisan grassroots organization. Join today! AzCDL - Protecting Your Freedom Copyright © 2007 Arizona Citizens Defense League, Inc., all rights reserved. -- Stephen P. Wenger Firearm safety - It's a matter for education, not legislation. .