Giuliani Used "Gun Control" To Lower Crime: "I used gun control as mayor," he said at a news conference Saturday during a swing through California. But "I understand the Second Amendment. I understand the right to bear arms." He said what he did as mayor would have no effect on hunting. (The Second Amendment and the RKBA are not about hunting.) In Greater Context: --- BATFE Officials Demoted: Two senior officials at the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives who opposed many questionable management and spending decisions by the agency's former director are being moved to lower-ranking positions effective Thursday, officials said...The transfers are widely seen within ATF as demotions. --- Georgia House Debates Permitless Vehicle Carry: A proposed law that would allow motorists to conceal firearms in their cars has cleared a key legislative committee and is on its way to Georgia's House of Representatives for a vote as soon as Monday. --- Oregon Reporter Touts Washington Bill: Oregon and California require background checks when people buy guns at private shows, but Washington doesn't -- making the state a "de facto gun center for the region," says freshman Sen. Rodney Tom... The bill also defines a gun show as any place or event where three or more people gather to display, sell, lease or transfer firearms to the public or where 10 or more firearms are offered. A Different View: --- Cook County Rejects Ammunition Tax: With a ban on assault weapons set to take effect in Cook County, Ill., on Monday, the county's board of commissioners has rejected a novel approach to dealing with a $500 million budget deficit -- an attempt to impose a tax on bullets. --- RKBA Aided Civil Rights Movement: Ohio's former secretary of state observes Black History Month by taking a look back at the role of the Deacons for Defense in the civil rights movement of the 1960's and the role of "gun control." --- Wrong Thing To Say: A CWFL-holder in Florida has been charged with armed trespass after he go into a dispute with Home Depot employees about a refund, refused to leave the store and stated that he was carrying a firearm. (The man may be suffering from PTSD, as a result of being shot in 1988.) --- Gang Members Use Body Armor: Law-enforcement officers in Bernalillo County NM (Albuquerque area) report seizing six ballistics vests from suspected gang members in as many months, during investigations of violent crimes. (One advantage of placing the first shot in the pelvis of an assailant is that ballistic vests rarely extend below the belt.) --- Another Lead Oscar: A man who attempted to rob a store in Albuquerque NM with what is described as a BB gun was shot by one of the owners, who was armed with a 9mm pistol. --- Oops, Wrong Apartment: A drunken Utah man, with a criminal history, broke down the door to an apartment and began beating the occupant. The intruder was last reported to be on life support after having been shot several times by the victim's son,. --- Liberal Arizona Legislator Profiled: Embittered strangers and fellow lawmakers have assailed Rep. Kyrsten Sinema's controversial plan that would have equated Minutemen with domestic terrorists...The domestic-terrorism bill has put Sinema in the spotlight this year, but she has proposed dozens of other ideas, ranging from repealing the death penalty to requiring Arizona to significantly slash its greenhouse-gas emissions. --- From AzCDL: On Monday, February 12, 2007, the Senate Government Committee will hear Sen. Karen Johnson's SB 1152: Sen. Johnson has proposed a "Strike Everything" amendment to SB 1152 that completely replaces the subject and text of the original bill. SB 1152 is now a bill that prohibits the implementation of the REAL ID act of 2005 in Arizona: "This state shall not participate in the implementation of the REAL ID act of 2005. The department shall not implement the REAL ID act of 2005 and shall report to the governor and the legislature any attempt by agencies or agents of the United States Department of Homeland Security to secure the implementation of the REAL ID act of 2005 through the operations of that department." Many of you have expressed concern over the REAL ID Act. You now have an opportunity to express those concerns to the Senate Government Committee. Take the time to contact the committee members and ask them to vote FOR the amendment, and to vote the amended SB 1152 out of committee with a recommendation for passage by the full Senate. The following are email lists of the Senate Government committee members. One list uses semi-colon separation and one uses comma separation. Use the format that meets the requirements of your email software. (semi-colon separation);;;;;; (comma separation),,,,,, These alerts are a project of the Arizona Citizens Defense League (AzCDL), an all volunteer, non-profit, non-partisan grassroots organization. Join today! AzCDL - Protecting Your Freedom Copyright © 2007 Arizona Citizens Defense League, Inc., all rights reserved. -- Stephen P. Wenger Firearm safety - It's a matter for education, not legislation. .