Pro-RKBA Bills Advance In Utah: Two gun rights bills breezed out of a legislative committee on Tuesday after a short discussion and little debate. One would allow people to carry a gun in their cars on private property, such as a parking lot, even if the property owner otherwise bans guns. The other was dubbed the "Katrina bill" after Hurricane Katrina. It would forbid government agencies from restricting the lawful possession or use of firearms during a declared state of emergency. (Note that it was in Utah where AOL, a few years ago, fired a group of employees for storing firearms in their vehicles in a section of a parking lot that AOL leased from a public entity.) --- Utah Senate Passes Campus-Carry Compromise Bill: Legislation imposing gun restrictions on university campuses passed out of the Senate on Tuesday, even as one legislator rallied against the bill on a Senate blog site. SB251 would allow university faculty to declare their offices as gun-free areas. The measure also would allow university students living in dormitories to request not to live with a concealed weapon permit holder.,1249,660197394,00.html --- Guns Banned From Speech At University Of Utah: Guns will not be allowed in Kingsbury Hall today when former Israeli Prime Minister Ehud Barak delivers a speech about the Middle East. This decision is the result of cooperation between the U, Utah Attorney General Mark Shurtleff and gun rights activists. John Morris, general legal counsel for the U, said Shurtleff gave the U permission to bar concealed weapons from the event because it is being cosponsored by Kol Ami-a local Jewish synagogue-and state law allows religious groups to ban firearms from services. --- Colorado Senate Passes Permit-Restriction Bill: Coloradans wouldn't be able to use concealed weapons permits from other states under a bill that won initial approval from the state Senate on Tuesday. (Not clear from this report is whether the current wording of the bill would require visitors to Colorado to reside in the state that issued their permits.) --- Nebraska County Considers CCW Ban: Dawson County Commissioners discussed the merits of whether to draft a conceal-carry resolution for the county during their regular meeting Thursday...Commissioner Dean Kugler asked, "Do we need it for law enforcement or is it just another layer of bureaucracy?" --- Ohio GOP Balks At Pro-RKBA Leader: The current chairman of Ohio's Republican Party appears to be backing away from a prior proposal for a deputy chairman, to ease the transition of power, upon learning that Kevin DeWine, a pro-RKBA state legislator, was considered a front-runner for the position. Not To Be Confused With The Other DeWine...: Little more than three months after the anti-gun incumbent Mike DeWine lost the support of his conservative base and was tossed out of office, the Associated Press is reporting that Republican Senator John McCain has decided DeWine is the perfect man to lead his Presidential campaign in Ohio. --- Remington Disavows Sports Writer: Outdoor Life writer Jim Zumbo posted a commentary opposing the use of cosmetically impaired firearms in hunting, such as the use of AR-15's for hunting varmints. "As a result of comments made by Mr. Jim Zumbo in recent postings on his blog site, Remington Arms Company, Inc., has severed all sponsorship ties with Mr. Zumbo effective immediately." Related Article: --- More Details In Oregon Shooting Case: Yesterday's mailing included a link about an acquittal in a murder trial in which the defendant fired upward, from the floor, at his friend, who was beating him. This article sheds more light on the incident and ensuing trial --- California Logic: Howard Nemerov points out some of the weirdness in California law, including an apparent loophole in the one about justifiable homicide that fails to limit the justifiable use of deadly force to the person who attacks the defendant. -- Stephen P. Wenger Firearm safety - It's a matter for education, not legislation. .