Parking-Lot-Storage Case: Eugene Volokh summarizes a federal appellate ruling in Ohio that looked to the state constitution to determine public policy and found that allowing UPS to fire an employee for storing a firearm in his vehicle in a public-access parking lot used by both UPS employees and customers would be no different from allowing UPS to fire him for possessing a firearm at his home. --- David Kopel's Ten Favorite Second Amendment Books: David Kopel has posted on his website a recent article from the NRA's America's First Freedom magazine, listing his top ten choices of books on the Second Amendment. (At the time this is typed, I am unable to access Kopel's website via the link in his posting, linked below.) --- Army To Stick With M16, M4: Army Times points out that Delta Force troops have been using the HK 416, a carbine that resembles the M4 externally but uses a different type of gas system, yet the rest of the Army remains committed to the Stoner family of M16 rifles and M4 carbines. Another View Of The HK 416: --- From John Farnam: 24 Feb 07 Cor-Bon PowerBall Shooting: An African LEO student relates this story: "Armed with my G26 and 9mm PowerBall (that you brought me last time you were here), I was witness to a jewelry-store robbery in a Pretoria shopping mall. A gang of four robbery suspects, all armed with Kalashnikov rifles, approached the jewelry store and began blasting away at the barred entryway. They shot until the entire locking mechanism was shredded and gave way. Upon entering the store, the suspects gathered as much merchandise as they could and then fled. Miraculously, no one in the store was injured. I took cover behind a potted palm as they ran past. I verbally challenged the third suspect, but he was obviously confused with regard to where my voice was coming from. When he didn't drop his rifle, I fired three shots at him at a range of fifteen meters. All three struck him in the back but did not exit. He immediately screamed and dropped his rifle. After taking several more tentative steps, he collapsed, DRT. I don't think he ever figured out where I had been. The balance of the suspects made good their escape. Comment: PowerBall worked just fine, and I'm glad he had a supply when he needed them. He is now armed with DPX! My friend made a good plan and executed it well. Acting decisively, he emerged victorious! No dithering. No hesitation! /John (Cor-Bon's Pow'R Ball ammo uses a jacketed hollowpoint bullet with a polymer ball in the cavity. While it is available in .38 Special and .357 Magnum, it is primarily intended for reliable functioning in autoloaders that may not handle hollowpoints well. The ball presumably also offers some protection against the hollow cavity being clogged with clothing or other intermediate barrier material but people like John and Evan Marshall now seem to prefer Cor-Bon's DPX loads, so long as they feed reliably in the pistol in question.) 24 Feb 07 >From a LEO friend on the East Coast: "In January, we had an OIS here: Four of our officers attempted to arrest a suspect with several outstanding felony warrants. When they approached the parked car he and a teenaged male were getting into, he locked the doors, started the engine, and drove straight into one of our deputies. Our deputy wound up on the hood of the accelerating car, holding onto the edge of the hood (near the windshield wipers) with his left hand (in which he also held his flashlight), and holding his G27 in his right hand. The deputy hung on as the driver swerved back and forth, trying to throw him off the hood. Finally, our officer fired a single shot through the windshield, hitting the driver in the chest. Our officer then came off the hood and hit the pavement, rolling until he struck a curb. The car continued for a short distance an d then ran onto the curb and finally came to rest. The suspect was removed from the car, DRT. The Gold-Dot 180 grain JHP performed well, penetrating the windshield and stopping the threat, even from the short-barreled Glock. Our deputy suffered leg injuries but is expected to recover fully. Even after hitting the pavement, rolling, and hitting the curb, our deputy still had his G26 in his right hand, with no accidental discharge during these forced acrobatics. Other deputies did not fire at the vehicle for fear of hitting their comrade and the teenager who was an unwitting passenger. Our District Attorney has ruled the shooting 'justifiable.'" Comment: Here is where all that time and money spent on good weapons training and good equipment, including ammunition, really pays off. Gadgets don't save lives. Competently trained and equipped officers do! Good show! /John --- From The Firearms Coalition: Many thanks to all who have stepped up to help our new friend Joyce. The call to action was extremely successful and is accomplishing our three primary goals: Offsetting some of the expenses Joyce is incurring as a result of this tyranny, generating some buzz to help get other groups to commit to action, and bolstering Joyce's spirits letting her know that she isn't facing this alone. When I told her about your generosity, here is part of her response: "Thank you for your assistance. Your compassion brings tears to my eyes." NRA Director and President of the NY State Rifle and Pistol Association, Tom King has agreed to have NYSRPA host a formal Legal Defense Fund for Joyce (with any residual monies being earmarked for the next case like this). We will let you know as soon as we get an address for that. Tom also says that NRA is getting involved, but we can't assume that they will take care of everything for her and we need to continue to rally around her. There was an error in the Alert I sent out on Thursday; Joyce holds a CCW from Indiana, not Ohio. She did CCW training in Ohio and I misunderstood what she told me about that. Sorry for any confusion. Again, thank you for your rapid response. Joyce is flabbergasted by your compassion and dedication. If you have not yet made a contribution, you may still do so through us or you might prefer to wait another couple of days until we get the address for the official Legal Defense Fund. Yours for the Second Amendment Jeff Knox Director of Operations The Firearms Coalition -- Stephen P. Wenger Firearm safety - It's a matter for education, not legislation. .