One Partial Victory, Two Defeats In Utah: The compromise bill to limit licensed CCW on state university campuses was limited to giving dormitory residents the option of not sharing a room with a CFP-holder. Two other gun-related bills died in the House without debate on the session's final night. One would have stopped private businesses from restricting guns in their parking lots, and the other would have barred government from seizing guns in an emergency. --- License To Carry, Arkansas: Meandering article loosely links mouseguns, non-existent federal law regarding CCW and the current debate over a stand-your-ground bill that has been introduced in Arkansas. ("Mousegun" is a derogatory term for a handgun of a caliber too small for much chance of incapacitating a human assailant.) --- Georgia Bill Would Tighten Requirements For No-Knock Warrants: A group of lawmakers wants to make it harder for police to use "no-knock" warrants in the wake of a shootout that left an elderly woman dead after plainclothes officers stormed her home unannounced in a search for drugs. When the officers entered without warning, police say that Johnston, 92, fired a handgun at them and that the officers returned fire, killing her. --- Arizona Senate Approves State Militia: State senators voted Thursday to set up an all-volunteer Homeland Security Force separate from the Arizona National Guard. Sen. Jack Harper, R-Surprise, said the force would respond on the governor's orders to any natural or human-caused disaster, when "necessary to protect lives or property," or to help along the border to spot people coming into the United States illegally. Harper said nearly two dozen other states have similar militias separate from Guard units. --- The Pot Calling The Kettle Black?: Republican Mitt Romney assailed his two leading presidential rivals Wednesday, criticizing John McCain's stance on immigration and dismissing Rudy Giuliani's support for gun control, abortion and gay rights as a losing combination in the GOP primary. (And what about McCain's efforts to wipe out gun shows and electoral alerts by RKBA groups? Buying a life membership in the NRA dose not erase Romney's assistance in the erosion of the RKBA during his governorship of Massachusetts.) --- Candidates Beware...: In a fairly lengthy commentary that includes a summary of the Jim Zumbo fiasco, John Derbyshire finally gets around to counseling, "The political lesson to be taken by any contender for the Republican nomination who is seriously short of creds on gun rights issues -- no names, no pack drill -- is that Second Amendment enthusiasts stand head and shoulders above other conservative groups in their passion and solidarity on behalf of their constitutional rights." --- Former Virginia Governor To Position Himself As True Conservative: Former Virginia Gov. James S. Gilmore III will become the first Republican presidential contender to say publicly that the three top-ranked party candidates are phony conservatives. "Rudy Giuliani and Mitt Romney both repeatedly opposed core conservative values to win elections in New York and Massachusetts," says Mr. Gilmore, who was nominated by President Bush to be the Republican National Committee chairman after the 2000 elections. --- The Original Commentary: A list member has provided the link to the entire Ian Bell column cited by Wayne LaPierre, in which Bell concedes the absolute failure of Britain's handgun ban and associated firearm restrictions. -- Stephen P. Wenger Firearm safety - It's a matter for education, not legislation. .