Nevada Bill Would Train, Arm Teachers: ...The bill would require 40 hours of firearm training, which is five times the normal amount. Opponents, like Metro Police, say even that amount of training isn't enough. Police who enter a school to stop a gunman may be forced to make a life or death decision. (Better for the police to encounter more dead bodies to assist in making that tough decision?) --- Reciprocity Bills Moving Through Nevada Legislature: SB 237, introduced by Senators Warren Hardy (R-12) and John Lee (D-1) and AB 268, introduced by Assemblymembers James Settlemeyer (R-39) and Francis Allen (R-4) the companion CCW reciprocity bills, are still awaiting a vote in their respective Judiciary Committees. With an April 13 policy committee vote deadline, it is imperative that NRA members contact their legislators and ask that they support these important bills. --- Some Missouri CCW Endorsements Up For Renewal: CCW licensure came piecemeal to Missouri, as various jurisdictions accepted or resisted the new law. One sheriff's department advises that his office will not be sending out reminders that it is now time to renew some of those three-year-old permits. --- Prohibitionists Wrong About Minnesota CCW: Data released by the Minneapolis, Minn. Star Tribune Friday showing that anti-gunners were wrong in their predictions about Wild West shootouts and blood in the streets is a vindication of every armed citizen in the state, the Citizens Committee for the Right to Keep and Bear Arms said... The Star Tribune Article: --- Sarah Brady Calls For More Infringements: Sarah Brady, whose husband James and President Ronald Reagan were shot on March 30, 1981, used the 26th anniversary of that date to ask Americans to support "legislation to combat illegal gun trafficking." However, a gun rights group dismissed her statement as "just Sarah Brady being Sarah Brady." --- Pennsylvania Sheriff Opposes Handgun-Purchase Limits: Berks County Sheriff Barry J. Jozwiak asked a panel of state lawmakers in Reading on Thursday to shoot down any legislation that would limit handgun purchases, claiming it would not curb crime or gun violence. --- Police Hit By Higher Ammo Prices: Police in Idaho are noticing that rifle ammunition, in particular, is getting more costly and harder to obtain. "Ammo supplier just told me that these are the prices that are coming down from the factory. I know from what I've been told that a lot of the manufacturers do have the military contracts and do spend a lot of their resources for the ammo contracts for the military." --- Officer's Widow Sues City Of Easton: Long-term list members may remember this two-year-old saga involving a SWAT-team member on a small Pennsylvania police department being fatally shot by a colleague in the department's gun-cleaning room.,0,3479144.story --- Arm The Ones You Love: A member of Ohio's Buckeye Firearms Association explains why he gave his fiancee a handgun on the first anniversary of their dating. "If you love a woman, get her a gun and teach her how to use it. It may save her life. he decision not to arm the woman you love may have dire consequences." --- Another Look At Pink Pistols: ...Stallard, who has been living as a woman for the past year and a half, is the coordinator of the San Jose chapter of the Pink Pistols - a national organization that encourages gay, lesbian and transgender people to arm themselves to prevent hate crimes. Part social gun club, part political platform, the group's slogans are "Armed gays don't get bashed" and "Pick on someone your own caliber." --- From NRA-ILA: Since the current format of the NRA-ILA makes them impractical to forward, I am referring list members to the NRA-ILA website. Note the various tabs at the top of the page, including "Legislation," which will lead you to items for your home state. --- This Sunday on Liberty Watch/America Armed & Free: At noon MST, Dr. Avis Jones-Deweever on poverty in the United States - is it a cause of violence, and is it a problem here? At one PM MST, Gordon Groves, a retired Army Ranger, and Anthony Kohler, a former Army armorer, join Charles Heller about a test of the Springfield Armory Lightweight Operator, and whether or not shooting an alloy frame pistol effects accuracy or your ability to carry it all day instead of a steel frame gun. The programs are heard in Tucson on AM 690, Douglas on AM 930, and Globe on AM 1240, and live streamed on the internet at: (Note that this is Mountain Standard Time -we don't do Daylight Savings Time in Arizona.) -- Stephen P. Wenger Firearm safety - It's a matter for education, not legislation. .