Does This Dog Hunt?: Article in The New York Times about Mitt Romney's conversion to the RKBA makes the point that Romney, while not a serious hunter, claims his support for gun rights comes not from any hunting background but rather "from his respect and appreciation for the rights enshrined in our Constitution." (Apparently that Constitution did not exist during his term as governor of Massachusetts.) --- ABC Misses The Point: Looking at two recent cases in which women were killed by stalkers against whom they had obtained restraining orders, ABC News, in an article entitled "How Do You Keep A Stalker from Killing You?" totally ignores the option of arming yourself with a firearm. --- Seattle's "Sanctuary Law" Helped Kill One Victim: Had it not been for a Seattle ordinance that forbids police officers from routinely ascertaining a suspect's immigration status, Monday's murder-suicide at the University of Washington might have been prevented because the perpetrator would have been deported months ago, the Citizens Committee for the Right to Keep and Bear Arms said today. Related Article: --- CCW FAQ: A list member uses his newspaper column to answer a series of questions he is commonly asked about why he (and others) carry concealed firearms. --- Pro-RKBA Sheriff Defends Colorado CCW Database: Larimer County's Sheriff Jim Alderden, who campaigned for the current statewide CCW law for Colorado, explains why he supports continuing the state's database of permitees, scheduled to sunset on July 1. --- Rule Two, Rule Three Reminder: An FBI agent who was killed in New Jersey Thursday when a stakeout team opened fire on three armed bank robbery suspects might have been shot accidentally by another agent, the FBI said. (Rule Two: Don't let the muzzle cross anything you're not prepared to shoot. Rule Three: Keep your finger out of the trigger guard, up on the frame, until your sights are on the target and you're prepared to fire.) --- Rule Five Reminder?: A Kansas man inadvertently shot himself in the hand while helping unload trash at a trash-transfer station. It appears that someone had tossed a handgun into the trash and the man contacted the trigger of the discarded gun. Police are unsure if the gun may have been thrown away because it had been used in a crime. (Rule Five: Maintain control of your firearm.) --- Accidental Deaths With Firearms Continue To Fall: The National Safety Council's new data on accidental firearm fatalities shows that the number of accidents continues to decline. In fact, over the past ten years the number of accidental fatalities has dropped by almost 70 percent! --- Idaho Shooters Target National Guard Tanks?: For years, ATV-riding, gun-toting sport shooters have flouted gun laws in part of Idaho's high desert by taking pot shots at ground squirrels and other animals. Now, officials say, they're also setting their sights on National Guard tanks that train in the area... --- Taking Aim At Hunters' Ammo: Ever since the ancient Romans realized their plumbing was giving them gout, lead has been bad news...And now, one of the poisonous element's last footholds in American culture - the ammunition used by the 25 million people who hunt for sport and food - is being targeted, as states across the country consider enacting bans on the use of lead for hunting.,8599,1606660,00.html --- New York Man Acquitted In Missing-Gun Case: A New Rochelle man who said he shot another man in self-defense as they wrestled over a gun that was never found was acquitted of attempted murder, assault and weapons charges by a jury that deliberated for less than two hours yesterday. (This is the case shared a few days ago with a discussion of the concept that flight may be construed as guilt.) --- From AzCDL: SB 1250 which removes the fingerprint requirement for concealed weapons permit renewals passed the House by a vote of 54-0 on April 3, 2007. You can see how your Representative voted by going here: SB 1250 passed the Senate by a vote of 27-2 on February 19, 2007: SB 1250 was sent to the Governor on April 4, 2007. Please take the time to contact Governor Napolitano and urge her to sign SB 1250. If you go to the Governor's website you will find a fill-in-the-blanks form to register your opinion. For "subject", scroll down and select "Legislation." For "topic", fill in - SB 1250. You can add a polite message urging her to sign SB 1250 in the "message/comment" area. You can also fax a letter to her using this number: 602-542-1381. Or you can mail it to her at the following address: The Honorable Janet Napolitano Governor of Arizona 1700 West Washington Phoenix, Arizona 85007 Her email address is You can call her office toll free using this number: 1-800-253-0883 Information on this and other bills can be found at the AzCDL website: These alerts are a project of the Arizona Citizens Defense League (AzCDL), an all volunteer, non-profit, non-partisan grassroots organization. Join today! AzCDL - Protecting Your Freedom Copyright © 2007 Arizona Citizens Defense League, Inc., all rights reserved. (Arizona law currently requires fingerprints for the first two renewals of a CWP, starting from the first issuance of renewal since that law took effect, which means for at least the next nine years for most permitees.) -- Stephen P. Wenger Firearm safety - It's a matter for education, not legislation. .