Parking-Lot-Storage Bill May Be Resurrected In Georgia: Bills that appear to be dead at the end of "Crossover Day," the annual deadline for legislation to pass either the House or Senate, have a way of springing back to life in the final days of legislative sessions. This year, one of two gun bills lawmakers have been considering is the most high-profile prospect for resurrection... --- Arizona Legislators Try Again To Make Self-Defense Bill Retroactive: A month after their first attempt got vetoed, legislators are taking another stab at making a 2006 self-defense law retroactive. The 2006 law made it easier for defendants to claim self-defense, and many supporters expected it would help Harold Arthur Fish, a hiker convicted in an eastern Arizona trailside shooting. --- Pennsylvania Prohibitionists Resuscitate Legislative Efforts: anti-crime mid-sized city//Seven months after a special two-day legislative session on crime in which more than a dozen gun-control bills were defeated, advocates are hoping a new climate in Harrisburg will mean movement on long-stalled gun-control measures...But despite the renewed hope - and calls by Rendell, Mayor Street, and mayors from mid-size cities across the state for legislation to help reduce gun violence - the bills face an uphill battle in the General Assembly, which is dominated by lawmakers who support gun rights. Related Commentary: --- Virginia State Police Close Permit Records: An editorial writer's botched attempt to highlight an open record - the list of Virginians licensed to carry a concealed handgun - resulted Friday in the record being closed. Acting on the advice of Attorney General Bob McDonnell, he Virginia State Police said they will no longer release the information under the state's open records law. --- Huckabee Challenges Romney Hunting Claim: "I think it was a major mistake," said Huckabee, a former Arkansas governor. "It would be like me saying I've been a lifelong golfer because I played putt-putt when I was 9 years old and I rode in a golf cart a couple of times." (Perhaps the most unfortunate part of this comedy is that it has allowed the mainstream media to, once again, portray the RKBA as strictly a matter of hunting.) --- Neal Boortz vs. Cynthia Tucker: Libertarian talk-show host Neal Boortz, in a section on why liberals write columns and editorials but fail at talk radio, imagines a conversation with Cynthia Tucker, who recently used the pages of the Atlanta Journal-Constitution to attack the private ownership of firearms. (If you try to view this after April 9, click the "Archives" link in the upper left corner and select "April 9.") --- A Look At Shelly Parker: The Washington Post presents a vignette on the woman whose name now stands for the DC appellate ruling that the Second Amendment protects an individual right to keep and bear arms. --- Oops, Wrong House: A burglar in Oregon apparently believed the liberal rhetoric that if you own a firearm for self-defense, a criminal can turn it against you. This burglar fled a Salem home with a gunshot wound, sustained after he tried to disarm the homeowner, and other injuries sustained while diving through a window on his way out. --- Charges Dropped In Florida Warning-Shot Case: Authorities have reversed themselves and dropped a charge of discharging a firearm in public against a man who fired a shotgun into the air to stop an attack on a female friend by her estranged husband. (I normally take a dim view of warning shots but must note that there is little risk from birdshot fired in an upward direction.) -- Stephen P. Wenger Firearm safety - It's a matter for education, not legislation. .