Sandra Froman On The Second Amendment: ...But many people don't know why the Constitution includes the right to bear arms. The reasons are not considered politically correct, and those on the left who dominate public education and the big media conglomerates don't want to talk about them... --- NRA vs. GOA?: Blog points out that while the NRA was negotiating with Rep. John Dingell about expanding NICS access to mental-health records, GOA was meeting with House Republicans to "gin up opposition" to Rep. Carolyn McCarthy's proposed legislation to do just that. --- Fired Professor Speaks: In a series of four video clips, Nicholas Winset, the professor who was fired for using marker pens to demonstrate to his students the difference that one armed student could have made during the Cho incident, provides background and details of the classroom events that led to his termination. --- "Responder Zero": In the world of infectious diseases there is a term called 'Patient Zero'. This is essentially the first person to start the epidemic spreading to numerous points unknown...For those of us who choose to carry a concealed handgun for self-defense, I would like to coin a new term in describing the general benefit we provide to our community. We are 'Responder Zero'. --- Business Journal Poll On Gun Laws: A total of 47 percent of the 393 people who responded to the question, "what are your thoughts on gun laws?," agreed with the answer that guns were not the real problem...Another 37 percent agreed with the answer, "there should be greater restrictions on the purchase of handguns and ammunition," while 15 percent picked the answer, "the ability to carry a concealed weapon should be broadened for personal defense." --- Meanwhile, At The UN...: The former U.N. human rights chief hopes that last week's massacre at Virginia Tech will generate U.S. support for a global treaty to control the international small arms trade. Mary Robinson, the U.N. High Commissioner for Human Rights from 1997 to 2002, noted Monday that the U.S. was the only country to oppose a U.N. General Assembly resolution that could lead to the first international convention on regulating the trade in small arms and light weapons such as AK-47s. Related Article: Related Commentary:,0,5160196.story?coll=la-opinion-center --- New Hampshire Republicans Question Giuliani's Sincerity: Republican presidential contender Rudy Giuliani defended his positions on a late-term abortion procedure and gun control Tuesday as he faced skeptical GOP voters who questioned his sincerity... Once an advocate of strong federal gun controls, Giuliani also disputed the characterization that he advised President Clinton on the matter, talked of leaving the issue up to states, and said: "I agree with the Second Amendment. I always have. I think people have an individual right to bear arms.",0,1788082.story Except In New York City?: --- Interesting Statement From The FOP: In the midst of the controversy over a Kansas TV station refusing to air a Bloomberg ad seeking reversal of the Tiahrt amendment, the national president of the Fraternal Order of Police editorializes if favor of retaining it. "We urge members of Congress to continue to support the Tiahrt amendment. Let's send the bad guys to jail, not civil court." --- Rule Five Reminder: Seven weapons belonging to Wake County's Special Weapons and Tactics team were stolen from a van outside a Memphis barbecue restaurant Monday afternoon, authorities said. (Rule Five: Maintain control of your firearm. I think we're seeing a distinct trend of police vehicles being targeted in these thefts.) --- Arizona House Rejects College Gun Ban: A week after the shootings at Virginia Tech, an Arizona lawmaker on Wednesday proposed banning weapons on college campuses. It was defeated on the floor with no debate. Rep. Steve Gallardo, D-Phoenix, wanted to extend the ban on guns at schools to post-secondary institutions, such as colleges and universities. (Not mentioned is that firearms are banned by law at community colleges and by the Board of Regents at all three state universities.) -- Stephen P. Wenger Firearm safety - It's a matter for education, not legislation. .