Bloomberg Warned Over Gun Stings: Attorney General Bob McDonnell has warned New York City Mayor Michael R. Bloomberg about a new law that would prevent the mayor from sending undercover private investigators to buy guns in Virginia. Mr. Bloomberg, a Republican, has sued 27 out-of-state gun dealers in attempt to reduce the flow of illegal guns into New York. Between 80 percent and 90 percent of the firearms used to commit crimes in the city are initially purchased out of state, according to police. The Actual Letter To Bloomberg: --- Fenty, Firearms And The Future: Gun-rights advocates are cautiously optimistic these days, and with good reason. The latest Second Amendment news is that a federal appeals court will not reconsider a panel judgment against the District of Columbia's gun ban. This means that the options facing pro-gun-ban Mayor Adrian Fenty are, at least by his lights, all bad. The District may now either take the case to the Supreme Court or admit that the gun ban is defeated. City officials must decide by the second week of August. --- Sandra Froman On Parker, Miller: The immediate past president of the NRA briefly analyzes the 73-year-old case of U.S. v. Miller and looks at the issues and possible outcomes if the Parker reaches the Supreme Court. --- Placating The Anti-Gun Crowd: The relationship between the Bush administration and the pro-Second Amendment community has been lukewarm, at best. The high point in that relationship came early in George W. Bush's first term, when former Attorney General John Ashcroft wrote a letter to the National Rifle Association, clearly stating the administration's view that the Second Amendment guarantees the individual right to keep and bear arms. Since the time of that letter - May 17, 2001 - reasons for celebration by us Second Amendment advocates have been few and far between. Based on a recent legislative initiative by Attorney General Alberto Gonzales, in cahoots with several anti-gun senators, the road is certain to continue rocky... --- Tennessee Newspaper Opposes Relaxing Gun Ban In State Parks: <>There are many good reasons the legislature should not pass a law to allow folks to carry guns into state parks. But there's one that stands out: golf. That's, right - golf. Have you ever been around a guy who's having a truly lousy round? It's not pretty. I've seen grown men at charity fundraisers cuss a blue streak, stomp their feet and fling a golf club... Guns-In-Parks Bill Advances: <>A bill that would allow anyone with a handgun carry permit to take it into any public recreational area in the state - including parks, playgrounds, civic centers and zoos - has passed a key vote this morning. The House Judiciary Committee passed the bill by a 6-4 vote. --- More Armed Texans = Safer State: <>A recent Chronicle editorial predicted removing restrictions on concealed carry of handguns in certain locations is a "formula for bloodshed" and would fuel the "domestic arms race." In opposing the concealed handgun law in 1995, the language was similar. "Blood in the streets," a return to the "Wild West," and "shootouts at every four way stop." None of this occurred. Since then, little has changed... --- New York Bill Would Require License For Ammunition Purchases: Saying it is important to limit the sale of ammunition to those who have legal firearms licenses, State Senator Eric Adams (D-Brooklyn) today announced he has introduced legislation that would create the crime of the unlawful sale of ammunition. "It is only logical to require any purchaser of ammunition to produce a valid firearms license for a weapon that uses that type of ammunition," Senator Adams said. (As I recall, outside NYC, no license is required to own a long gun in New York.) --- New Jersey Ban Would Affect Re-Enactors, Hunters: Revolutionary War buffs who annually re-enact historic conflicts like the Battle of Monmouth with muskets contend they will be disarmed by a proposed gun ban aimed at modern .50-caliber rifles that gun-control advocates call potential terrorist "sniper" weapons... The proposed law also extends the ban to popular, one-shot "in-line" muzzleloaders used by thousands of deer hunters, angering many sporting organizations. --- University Suspends Minnesota Student For CCW Advocacy: ...After stewing over the issue for two days, Scheffler sent a second email to University President Linda Hanson, reiterating his condemnation of the concealed carry ban and launching into a flood of complaints about campus diversity initiatives, which he considered reverse discrimination...So Hamline officials took swift action. On April 23, Scheffler received a letter informing him he'd been placed on interim suspension... --- Seattle Pawn & Gun Shop To Close: ...Customers who dream of owning guns they can't carry without assistance are the reason Central has been in business since 1927. From its original location in Pioneer Square to its present digs at 1016 First Avenue, the shop has provided all manner of intimidating and esoteric armaments to Seattle's gun heads. John Wayne even staged a scene at Central for his 1974 cop film, McQ, solidifying the shop's reputation as a destination for people who like shootin' stuff... --- Oops, Wrong Jeweler: Two armed wanna-be jewelry thieves in Fort Lauderdale collected lead slugs instead of gems Wednesday morning after they faced-off against a store owner who was packing a handgun, police said. The gun battle, which took place shortly after 11 a.m. at Bentley's Jewelers, 2753 E. Oakland Park Blvd., left the two bandits in critical condition, said Fort Lauderdale police spokeswoman Kathy Collins. --- Oops, Wrong Liquor Store: Some people may think Rosemarie O'Keeffe is an easy target. She's the 75-year-old owner of a liquor store in Lawton, Oklahoma, and she definitely fits the bill of a "little old lady." But you can't judge a book by its cover, and a couple of bad guys in southwest Oklahoma learned that the hard way...Rosemarie was taught to shoot by her two sons, and their decision to instruct their mom on firearms and firearm safety may have saved her life. Since we're celebrating Mother's Day this weekend, why not take stock and figure out what you can do to make sure the mother in your life can protect herself from the bad guys, too? --- Cleveland Officers Volunteer To Protect Man Who Shot In Self-Defense: Police officers will volunteer their time to protect a man who shot and killed a 15-year-old who they said was attempting to rob him, the NAACP announced Wednesday. Police said Arthur C. Buford and another person tried to rob Damon Wells at his home near East 134th Street and Kinsman Avenue. Wells then used his own gun and fired rounds, killing Buford, police said. Since the shooting a few weeks ago, the Wells' home has been vandalized and the family has been staying at undisclosed locations and living in fear, NewsChannel5 reported. --- Unsung Hero: When Jeff Weise shot and killed eight people and wounded seven more in the deadliest school shooting since Columbine, sophomore Jeff May, armed only with the pencil he'd used for algebra, tried to stop him. May ran at the gunman and jabbed him hard in the side. The two struggled; May was shot in the face...;jsessionid=4D393E245FBA462D333E519F7457F7CA.app1_rd1?contentId=19247 Commentary: ...What happened here? Hard to say. Maybe Jeff May was raised in a culture where self-defense was praised rather than condemned. Maybe he was raised in a home with a strong father. Maybe his Ojibwe culture celebrates individualism... (Scroll down to "The 2006 Hero of the Year." If you open this link after May 10, click the link for "Archive," under "Nealz Nuze," in the upper left corner of the page, and click the link for May 10.) --- AHSA vs. NRA: American Hunters and Shooters Association (AHSA) is clearly a master at the imitation game. As reported by Dave Workman in Gun Week on May 1, the organization rode into St. Louis on the coattails of the NRA Convention using the same type of deception the organization is known for in attempting to lure NRA members to their organization... --- "That's Why We Have Armed Pilots And Federal Air Marshals": A United Airlines flight from Denver to Dallas was delayed two hours Tuesday after a passenger found box cutters in the seatback pocket in front of her..."Things like this do occasionally happen. That's why we have armed pilots and Federal Air Marshals so that if prohibited items do get on board, there are other layers of security," said a TSA spokesman. --- From AzCDL: On May 8, 2007, governor Napolitano vetoed SB 1132. You can read her veto letter here: SB 1132 would have created the Homeland Security Force (HSF) and the Homeland Security Committee, along with rules and procedures to govern the HSF. It appropriated $10,000 from the state General Fund in FY 2007-2008 to the Governor for administration of the HSF. These alerts are a project of the Arizona Citizens Defense League (AzCDL), an all volunteer, non-profit, non-partisan grassroots organization. Join today! AzCDL - Protecting Your Freedom Copyright © 2007 Arizona Citizens Defense League, Inc., all rights reserved. The Arizona Citizens Defense League invites you to our 2nd Annual Meeting of the Members: Saturday, June 30, 2007, 12 PM - 4 PM The Crowne Plaza Phoenix 2532 West Peoria Avenue Phoenix, Arizona 85029 (North side of Peoria, Just East of I-17) We invite you to bring family members and friends! There is no charge for attending the meeting at 2 PM. Entertainment will be provided. The tasteful open carrying of firearms is appreciated. Prior to the meeting, lunch will be served at 12:30 PM. Those having lunch need to register and pay by Noon. Non-members must register and pay by May 31, 2007 to be assured a meal. The following is the fee schedule for dining: · First person $20; additional guests $15 each, or · Join AzCDL as a Basic member AT THE MEETING, or renew your Basic membership, and your lunch is FREE! · Join/renew as a Sustaining member AT THE MEETING - Lunch is FREE for you and one guest! And, we'll throw in an AzCDL T-Shirt! · Become a Life Member - you and your guests eat free! · Plus! You save $10 off the cost of joining AzCDL! A registration form can be found at the AzCDL website:, along with a description of menu options. Reservations received after May 31, 2007 cannot be guaranteed. If you are an AzCDL member and have not received your invitation in the mail, please drop a note to and we will get one out to you right away. Come and join us as we celebrate our legislative success, enjoy each other's company, and generally make merry in what will be the safest room in town. These alerts are a project of the Arizona Citizens Defense League (AzCDL), an all volunteer, non-profit, non-partisan grassroots organization. Join today! AzCDL - Protecting Your Freedom Copyright © 2007 Arizona Citizens Defense League, Inc., all rights reserved. -- Stephen P. Wenger Firearm safety - It's a matter for education, not legislation. .